A Beginners Guide to Healing Crystals With Amber the Alchemist – Vogue

Most people associate rose quartz with romantic love, but its actually a universal love stone. In order to experience love fully, your heart chakra must be open to it. Rose quartz guides your heart chakra to open up to loveself love, romantic connections, family, etc.

Rose quartz. Photo: Courtesy of Amber Finney.

Black Tourmaline

Protection is imperative and Black Tourmaline is a go-to stone for protection in all forms. It especially kills low vibrational energy surrounding you and within your energetic body, its the hater-blocker of the mineral world!


Amethyst is a go-to introduction to crystals. Its calming energy isnt overwhelming, but its noticeable enough to feel its effect on you and your environment. Its great to keep near your bed for a peaceful nights sleep, especially if you have a sleeping disorder or would like your child to have a good nights rest. Its also a great start to connect to your intuition.

Amethyst. Photo: Courtesy of Amber Finney.

Finneys go-to cleansing methods are smoke (via incense, camphor, or cedar) and salt/salt water. You can smudge your crystals by placing them with the smoke while praying to remove any unwanted energies. Salt is historically known for its purifying and detoxifying properties. You can bury your crystals in salt to dispel negative negative energy or submerge them in salt water. However, she notes that you should research your crystal before using salt water, as some crystals are soft and can disintegrate. Crystals usually ending in -ite should not come in contact with water.

Cleansing crystals is an important practice so that you can clear away the energies that have interacted with them. That way, you are working with the purest form of the crystal without external influences. This makes your ability to connect with them easier. In her own shop, Finney cleanses, Reiki charges, and anoints her crystals with her Quartz infused anointing oil, so you can immediately cultivate a connection with your crystal allies.

Quartz works to heal physical pain and boost self-esteem. Photo: Courtesy of Amber Finney.

Finney recommends crystal charging because the practice reenergizes, awakens and activates its natural vibrations. Its not mandatory, but its extremely helpful! You can charge crystals by burying them into the Earth. Crystals come directly from the Earth, therefore burying them back into the Earth connects them directly to its Source. You can also charge crystals under sun or moonlight. The sunlight charges the crystal with more masculine energy, connected to stability and growth, whereas the moon charges the crystal with its feminine elements of emotional and intuitive connection. Reiki is another form that she uses to charge her crystals as well. As a certified Reiki practitioner, I love using the power of my hands to charge the crystals with light energy.

Golden Healer crystals are known to heal on all levels, including cellularly and a connection to the divine. Photo: Courtesy of Amber Finney.

Finney has found solace in her wellness practice, especially now amid both a pandemic and a monumental human rights movement. Due to our ancestors sacrifice and efforts we now have the access and flexibility to recommit to our emotional, spiritual, mental and physical bodies, Finney says. Self-care is an opportunity to reconnect with our history and reclaim our spiritual and wellness space. Through self-care, we not only nurture, but heal our entire bloodline.

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A Beginners Guide to Healing Crystals With Amber the Alchemist - Vogue

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