Including Kim Kardashian & Maybe You:Treatment Options – Hollywood Life

Believe it or not, the skin disease, psoriasis, affects 7.5M people including Kim Kardashian & maybe you! Dont fret, because we have expert doctor tips on fast treatment options you can try!

The skin disease, psoriasis, affects millions of people, including Kim Kardashian, and you may be one of the 7.5 million people that suffers from it. While it sounds like a seriously scary disease, dont be nervous, because there are many different treatment options you can try to control it and thankfully, it is not contagious. We spoke exclusively to Jennifer C. Cather, MD, with the Modern Dermatology-Aesthetics Center in Dallas, Texas, on what exactly psoriasis is and how you can treat it fast.

Psoriasis affects approximately 7.5 million people in the U.S. alone. It affects both men and women equally and occurs in all racial groups at varying rates. While the disease can begin at any age, it most often develops between ages 20 to 30 and 50 to 60. Its also important to note that up to 30% of people with psoriasis eventually develop psoriatic arthritis, which involves joint inflammation.

Psoriasis is a common, chronic skin condition causing increased skin cell growth that may appear on the skin as raised, sometimes red patches covered with a silvery buildup of dead skin cells. What people may not know is that its an inflammatory, systemic disease meaning that it can affect the entire body. Psoriasis is also not contagious.

While both eczema and psoriasis are inflammatory skin diseases that involve skin lesions, which may look similar, the distribution geographically is usually different. Eczema is more on the allergy spectrum so patients oftentimes experience other symptoms such as hay fever, asthma or hives. Eczema does not have associated arthritis tied to it, but for psoriasis, up to 30% of people with the condition may eventually develop psoriatic arthritis, which involves joint inflammation.

There are various options for the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. These include over-the-counter lotions and prescription medications such as creams; oral medicines; phototherapy with ultraviolet light; and biologic agents that are given by injection. There are several ways to help manage psoriasis, including treatment as well as lifestyle changes, so people should work closely with their dermatologist to discuss what their options and create a treatment plan that works for them.

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Including Kim Kardashian & Maybe You:Treatment Options - Hollywood Life

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