Eczema and psoriasis? THIS part of your morning routine could be triggering skin problems –


However, having a shower could be making them worse - if you live in a hard water area, that is.

This type of water is supplied to 60 per cent of UK homes, including the south east and east midlands.

However its been suggested that it aggravates skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

There are currently 1.7 million people in the UK with eczema, and cases have risen by 40 per cent in recent years.


When the skin's barrier function is compromised, such as in eczema, the minerals can enter the skin as allergens causing inflammation and worsening eczema.

Dr Sharon Wong

Its a condition that causes the skin to become itchy, red, dry and cracked, according to the NHS.

Dr Sharon Wong, consultant dermatologist (, said: Hard water does not directly cause eczema but is a common aggravating factor in those who are genetically predisposed to developing eczema.

Hard water, which has a greater mineral content - mainly calcium and magnesium ions - has been linked to an increased risk of eczema and more severe disease in children.

When the skin's barrier function is compromised, such as in eczema, the minerals can enter the skin as allergens causing inflammation and worsening eczema.

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Similarly, psoriasis - which affects two to three per cent of the UK population - causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales.

Whilst there is no evidence that hard water causes psoriasis, the fact that the minerals in hard water have a drying effect on the skin can worsen psoriasis and other dry skin problems, she explained.

Whether the water that comes out of your tap is soft or hard depends on the geology of your area, but there are ways to minimise or stop its negative effects on your skin.

Dr Wong added: This can be minimised by installing a water softener, using bath oils not bubble bath and using emollient/cream washes instead of soap.


Both bubble bath and soaps contain surfactant which strips away the natural oils of your skin. Finally, using a regular and good moisturiser helps because it forms a protective layer on the skin thus preventing further fluid loss.

Sukhbinder Noorpuri, GP and CEO of i-GP, said: Hard water contains dissolved minerals such as calcium and magnesium. When used with soaps and detergents, this leaves a skin residue which blocks pores trapping oil, leading to irritation, dryness, blemishes and itching.

A water softener will reduce these skin issues, and convert the minerals found in hard water, into more soluble minerals that are less harmful for the skin.

Ecocamel have created the Shower Head ORB SPA which can convert hard water into soft water.

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Eczema and psoriasis? THIS part of your morning routine could be triggering skin problems -

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