Quick blood tests by using a nanodevice

Scientists from the University of Southampton’s School of Electronics and Computer Science have gotten an assignment to create a special technique to produce nanowires, which would make mass production possible. The final goal is to be able to perform quick blood tests without the need to go to a laboratory.

The British researchers are using the standards that are currently being used in making television displays. The need for quick blood tests, which could be done during surgery, are in demand and would help significantly. Peter Ashburn, the leading researcher, said: “Standard clinical laboratory tests have limitations outside the laboratory, which can reduce the diagnostic impact of new protein biomarkers for complex conditions like cancer and chronic inflammation,” said Professor Ashburn. “One-dimensional nanostructures such as nanowires are ideal for diagnosis as they can be integrated into microfluidic chips that provide a complete sensor system.”

The research is supposed to end within three years.

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