Editorial Guidelines and Standards – Mesothelioma.net Blog

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer primarily caused by asbestos exposure. Due to its uniqueness and its numerous subtypes, its important to understand the complexities of the disease and what can be done both medically and legally to help victims.

Our mission at Mesothelioma.net is to provide asbestos victims and their families with top quality free information and resources via our website, as well as the best medical and financial assistance to those who request our help. We encourage readers to explore our library of legal and financial articles, in order to understand what options and assistance programs are available.

Due to the significance of rare diseases such as mesothelioma, the editorial process at Mesothelioma.net takes several steps throughout a rigorous process. This ensures that all of our material is not only up-to-date and factual, but easy to understand and informative.

Health and medical content make up a large portion of our articles on Mesothelioma.net. Since mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases are considered uncommon in the medical field, we work consistently to ensure we have the most accurate materials and information. We also provide in-depth coverage on numerous asbestos illness health topics, including treatment options, treatment centers, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, and causes.

Mesothelioma.net has dedicated a special section of our site on tips on how to survive mesothelioma. Our ultimate goal is to help anyone living with an asbestos-related illness live their lives to the fullest extent.

Mesothelioma.net also covers each step after a mesothelioma diagnosis, including stages of the disease, types and subtypes.

Prior to publishing any health and medical-related articles, our teams cross-checks to ensure all medical information is factual, all treatment options are to up-to-date, all health statistics are current, and all sources are properly credited.

Our health and medical writers only rely on sources backed by reputable findingssuch as medical journals, peer-reviewed journals, medical databases, government organizations, and board-certified physicians who specialize in malignant mesothelioma.

Our legal team is committed to providing free resources to readers regarding legal options and financial assistance. All of our legal writers are attorneys with decades of experience dealing with mesothelioma and asbestos cases. They stay abreast of the latest happenings by attending both national and international mesothelioma meetings.

Our legal team curates articles on claims, lawsuits, trials and settlements, asbestos trust funds, government assistance, and financial options.

Special coverage is dedicated to asbestos trust funds, which have become an increasingly popular way for asbestos victims to obtain compensation for their injuries. Our legal writers stay up-to-date on companies who have trust funds set up, as well as the requirements for eligibility and the average payouts.

Mesothelioma.met has also dedicated special coverage to our nations military veterans. We have in-depth resources for veterans in all branches of the military, and provide detailed information on veterans claims, government assistance, medical help and financial assistance.

Information for veterans is properly vetted by our Veteran Support and legal team and is sourced by the U.S. government.

Articles at Mesothelioma.net are written or reviewed by a dedicated team comprised of:

Our full team of board-certified doctors and nurses are experienced in dealing with rare diseases, specifically diseases caused by asbestos exposure. They work together to curate our health and medical-related articles.

Our physicians and nurses also meticulously review each article to ensure the highest degree of accuracy.

We double-check for accuracy and only rely on trustworthy scientific data and reliable health organizations. Some of our medical writers are published and cited extensively in peer-reviewed journals.

We cite every article with sources used and add in appropriate links when necessary.

Once the articles are completed, our team of copy editors double-check every article for grammar, readability, transparency, and comprehension.

In order to uphold integrity and our readers trust, Mesothelioma.net holds full accountability on any discovered inaccuracies in our content. We strive to correct any errors in a timely manner.

If you have any questions, comments, or corrections, please email us as [emailprotected]

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Editorial Guidelines and Standards - Mesothelioma.net Blog

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