New Clinical Data Highlighting Foundation Medicine’s Comprehensive Cancer Genomic Profile to be Presented at 2012 ASCO …


Foundation Medicine, Inc., a molecular information company that brings comprehensive cancer genomic analysis to routine clinical care, today announced that new clinical data highlighting the companys comprehensive cancer genomic profile and next-generation sequencing approach in clinical oncology will be presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) being held June 1-5, 2012 in Chicago.

The data to be presented at ASCO support Foundation Medicines deep sequencing approach to simultaneously detect all classes of genomic alterations across hundreds of genes known to be related to cancer, said Michael J. Pellini, M.D., president and chief executive officer, Foundation Medicine. In our clinical experience abstract, this approach detected actionable alterations those associated with available targeted treatments or ongoing clinical trials for 74% of tumor samples in the study. Foundation Medicines test has also been shown to identify novel genomic alterations in multiple tumor types, including potentially druggable gene fusions. The combined evidence presented in these studies suggests that fully informative genomic profiling can now become a routine component of cancer patient care.

The schedule for Foundation Medicines oral presentation is as follows:

Date & Time:


Abstract Number:


Discovery of recurrent KIF5B-RET fusions and other targetable alterations from clinical NSCLC specimens.



New Clinical Data Highlighting Foundation Medicine’s Comprehensive Cancer Genomic Profile to be Presented at 2012 ASCO ...

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