Letters to the editor for July 30, 2020 – Opinion – Waynesboro Record Herald – Waynesboro, PA – Waynesboro, PA – Waynesboro Record Herald

Gordon Lampitt, a true American hero

As we continue to fight a deadly pandemic, racial injustice and an economic crisis, we are consistently reminded of the fragility of life. But there are also moments that remind us of the heroes among us.

Gordon Lampitt, a Browns Mills resident since 1958 who recently passed at age 96, was one of those unsung heroes. He dedicated his entire life to his beloved family and his country. U.S. Army Command Sgt. Maj. Lampitt was one of few Americans to have served three tours in World War II, three tours in the Korean War and two tours in the Vietnam War.

A decorated veteran, Gordon continued to serve his country even after retiring from the Army, working at Fort Dix for 15 years. His unwavering commitment and dedication to his country, exemplified by his service in three wars was the ultimate testament of his patriotism and courage. He is a true American hero.

My thoughts, prayers and deepest condolences are with Gordons family and loved ones. I thank Gordon for making this country a better place and South Jersey is eternally grateful for his service and countless contributions to our community.

Congressman Donald Norcross, 1st District, New Jersey

First and foremost, we are all Americans

We are all Americans. We all live in this great melting pot called the United States of America. We come from different ethnic, racial and societal backgrounds. But first and foremost we are Americans.

We all have under the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution the rights of life, liberty and freedom and the pursuit of happiness. We seem to have lost sight of these facts.

People in China, Russia, North Korea and Syria live under the thumb of the likes of Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un and Bashar Hafez al-Assad. So be thankful that you live here.

Wear your camouflage, dreadlocks, hijab, Ivy League button downs I don't care. Just treat each other with respect, dignity and the knowledge that we all have the right to exist and to pursue our dreams and goals.

If you are the best qualified to do the job you need to get it albeit with a crew cut, piles of dreads or hijab. Teach the Golden Rule to your babies. They are our future and we owe it to them to fix all the mistakes we and our forebears made so they can live in peace with their fellow Americans.

Richard Egloff, Mount Laurel

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Letters to the editor for July 30, 2020 - Opinion - Waynesboro Record Herald - Waynesboro, PA - Waynesboro, PA - Waynesboro Record Herald

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