K&C – Hanley Ramirez keeps bailing; sports gambling may become legal 6-27-17 – WEEI.com

Keeps Kirk and Callahan. With Kirk made ahead and Gerry Callahan. On Sports Radio WEEI. What city offered you the chance to come FaceBook live him trying to bench to twenty on a different senate would you look here's what did you Maxima today we need pictures. A mock me for being a hard road that's the ultimate models that I've seen him it's like that you'd like to lose yells and sell renting. You are hero. Honesty Brewster can glare. UV is. Play a land yesterday on the show. Much and not too mossy for Perkins Jerry jurors all pumped up send somebody over there the agents and the guys over there to a FaceBook live. Some weight lifting for some reason I know where and. I was shocked to see the headline a WEEI dot com. But Nancy calls people losers for watching the video that. An Italian. As a sports. If I don't I don't Roemer is good at what he does I guess I should be given credit but that's the good wasting good Internet. Blues Stansky said personal bench lifting record cold people losers for watching video good headline I think that's I think that sums it up I'd be proud of is it that slow I iced my dad now if you're watching it after the fact and war pride tweeted out here causes of FaceBook like video of this. I would watch at the back is fine. If you were taking time that he did it click on FaceBook live to watch it live. Yet that's there's a different territory where I would call you a loser you're one of the couple hundred people watching it. Live in time yesterday the couple thousand of watch it since then that's great go watch it sharing your friends. I'm all for. The live viewing on the taking time ID or watching a I want to say middle aged or not there yet but approaching middle aged radio host lift weights. Wide viewing were closing in on 25000. Views. Yes the I actually think that Dallas watching it live is almost better as a legacy. Once you know it when you watch it. On the video yard you know. Beat him that's true name I want I want I wouldn't I wouldn't. You know cast any aspersions on people watched. Oh monster's. Pick they would like that there. Set your own personal bench press record is colder Seve called manager article to your all losers for watching this Alex W com that's what a waste and one of the good headline in this is that this this. This is a viewing tonight inflated ego or might. Lack the self esteem I have a Google alert set up for my name so the email can blame box and I don't I don't either do let me ask you. Google alert for your name wanna see with being out there isn't. You know Chris another works it's simple I once an upper Chris Curtis lot of nice things being said about. My wife wasn't as real as the 2000 mountain. Here here's what's that the by product this Hampshire Jerry's gonna love this part of it tomorrow. There are some people who are saying they are the first people's. That it's not a league G. Personal record because I was helped too much by Scott the great a trader at their new about that chart a chance Curtis in the video she can check my if you check my mentions yesterday in new York and all applicable saying not. Not true Max was clean law that's number one. Number two was bad form I dad formed at the count your form is bad you'd you'd you've got to get better reform effort to count I think some foresee a point of view. Yeah Fuller matters as long as you easily. I guess they do the enthusiast I would like to reply to these people out I'd like to learn more about it we can't do that right now but also the part of it is what it can just. And Jerry's part of this group of people think I could've done more I did one. I did one in quite add background but it was close what is the actual character of the actual grunt or. Where was that Mike I know right up close and jobs boom. Kurt Curtis an excellent job of the video and sound cute well well it came out and he did how people were shocked how good to be a six person crew really did it. I could have done one more and that was Jerry's criticism. And that was many People's Court as evidence as the media. And it was my Weis criticisms she gets home and she hears the show taking the kids. The grocery stores like. It really let them or their videotape that stage you I did. Ocalan we see it if you watch it my son. My wife says oh well knowing knowing none of the reaction not only Jerry said well all of the comments work. Another one why. What did you do another one nation. Warm behalf she wasn't happy I did it she was not happy deaconess they had built up to for months now I'd been planning this out mentally I wanna get to this number and my goal for the year. And it's and accomplishing it. I can't enjoy because he's 82 put on social media and my wife is now embarrassed by it she says that the these guys last night joy says it at that they'll wake. What you think like. Could another one. That wasn't at all I built up to forever and I left I should really should have been a good day yesterday should have been a very enjoyable experience and Alvin no way to. Because I left one out there and these guys are role. I'm Ike and they're not happy I'm gonna go back to what was the dead the challenge. Just do one lied yes you did it so what order they want. They wanted to woods Jerry wanted to wait too easy. If this was a personal debates feel a bed I'd it's the most I've never tried that wait for some that look the at all suspicious. I think you've done this several times and an anonymous notes when Russia. Or urine tests we can do that and see what you really amp to. That. That part of his good name for your next forced my achievement could do. I look like the guy story it's not my height that I think of the the duty to the video. Kim glared looks like a giant next to me wore Oleg did you expect this year. Outs Ollie six X has experienced this opera. Answered as so yes I wanted to give you two in the same frame is working to work. He really did say let's see what let's can I say the votes here to say it was legit once he would that get less so but there was SP Callahan. One of the great. Mock a Twitter account so there did you Opel questions a great presents at which it yet it's too early Jerry account new great. Terry cited cal Perry with a tweet things out that he can't we tweet ever is county's most. So it's a diligent but there was some push back on. So should I should have been happy with yesterday John the end results I don't feel as good really got to take it to the next level to fifty. That's that's what did you pop that's an excellent arm never again not I end and he knew Jim now because he's got room Jim experience are going to be annoyed overtime goal tonight. I let. These morons and in my own space and now it's it's ruined that's yours thinks your reward should have been a nice moment yesterday elected gym class and with great products come up. Note shoving up yesterday. Over there so Jared back tomorrow I assume I'm sure a mock before iris in his Twitter reaction to it. And so on mentally prepared for that at some point tomorrow the videos up at the cork in Cali it would work out and watch the video. Which Dick approaching 25000. Is number. Yeah out 125000 Chris. It's only get started there's going to be spike. Sees wanna know it is all right there's a buzz in the buzz in the building that is a great. Roemer has a gift for me he really does that's that's is give your all losers for wired is a great quote I did say on the idea is right into the camera Ural loser for watching him they watched it live I still. I feel that 6177797937. Phone number text as well. You're annoyance with my weightlifting socket 37937. As for a quick a Red Sox thought we even talked Red Sox I don't. Why the Red Sox not putting him there Ramirez on the DL and saying. Come back when you are gonna complain about shoulders or knees or. Anything else seems like even a waste of time they already have you know Josh rightly it's grannies on the DO Devin Marie aero you Marty gets down. Just bottom of the barrel often suppliers in your pocket right now him Ramirez John is a bottom of the barrel offensive player. He has been. All average is here he doesn't wanna play first base he's not a very good offensive player you've she's on the backs up close and personal ads and that'll interest did. In make music that serious for saudis the royals last week laughing with seller operates in a two run game late awful if he was hand there are mirrors of last year. Both final eighty some odd games where he played an IE it was I'll pull the numbers here a second but it was 300 batting average. I double as your home runs. Over OPS of a thousand he was awesome in the final eighty gains of the last half last year he was awesome he sucks right now. So this idea that you need is that middle lineup he's not producing anyway I would take Sam Travis or pick your other first baseman in there. Award at DH Ing day in and day out when he's giving you nothing annie's ease bang out of games last minute anyway. Why not just call one is bull crap and say okay gold rest your shoulders go rest your knees and come back pretty healthy so we ought last minute bailouts the lineup how does that make sense. Yeah I mean if if if it. Becomes more of a pattern because he played three or four straight games before last night right yes so. If this happens when you start Friday's obviously if this if this keeps happening OK am with you there but. He's always been a better second half player's career and first not a lot of guys are considered about but he's one. You. Have just. Holes opened an airline accurately do for a team that's in first place they're not consistent offensively at all so like much like we said about Pablo. Where well you got to him audience is yet no alternatives that's kinda where you are with him. 24 it was batting average ten home runs 29 RBIs. Oh on base of 341. What does he slugging your arm and it just that that the totals well. Finally so oral sex doesn't fit. So it's pretty sad and yes slightly below average of the the guy was supposed to replace David Ortiz he's not coming clothes do not replacing David or tee and and I thought John Farrell had an interesting quote last night about Mitch Moreland thesis I did yes yes there's gonna get to the net more of a god you have yes so. Just the good message that he seems to be sending it certainly sounded to me like this was meant. As a message for hand. You know because. The quote was basically he showed his teammates need you the quote. I ordered a second is that something to the effect you know Mitch while is playing there injury which we know. And because here's the quote. He the way he's the way he's gone about it and sizzle fizzle condition he's in. Is a strong message the remainder of the team Ferrell set on Monday night yet that is clearly. A shot at him Ramirez who at times is at one and one or two cases. Back out some shoulder late. Last night was because of the neat he got hit by a pitch in the neat he stayed in the game. So yeah ice down to come back the next day you're playing its first place Minnesota Twins team you were located go up to the game and then a right prior to game time was like 530 S Olazabal for 430 yesterday. He bags out for the third time league this year in the hours prior to game time says he can't play. More on this plane three broken tail. He is showing more power numbers then. Him Ramirez has. With a broken toe and he keeps playing for broken toe and John Ferrell lauded his first baseman last night. I think the way he's going about it given the physical condition reason is that there's a strong message for the remainder of this team. Yeah exactly and the what I don't get. Given the way he's hitting right now is why you don't call handling on his bull crap because the longer you let him play through this and he's an air quotes here in studio. These injuries job. You are just. Belonging the fact these wanna take advantage of that this is what kids do when you give a kid any sort of leeway. They take advantage of that and this is Tammy right now because they don't call monitor because he knows John Ferrell is not gonna rip him publicly because John probably does think. But the shoulders might be an issue okay goal wrest the new school better second half player you got two weeks or so until a week or sort of the all star break. Goal at fifty Ted Kennedy aide radio right now and come back after the break go get healthy come back and go back got a games last minute. A real would have hurt the team that's picked when he has helped the team because you sent a message to handle it okay your hurt. Go get yourself a couple of weeks when you come back we expect he'd be in the lineup every single day. And it there's one thing about the culture of baseball that is. Not forget that's too strong word but if there's something that in baseball is not appreciated is the last minute scratch you know we saw this. Last year were the rod got a game in Detroit where he pulled himself. Not nearly giving the team enough time to get Henry Owens up and all that. I we've seen Carl Everett and Darren Lewis were gone back now fifteen years but they got basically into a brawl in the clubhouse before a game over that over somebody beside me couldn't play was a J. D. Drew wood on day of gains be a last minute scratch my head was I don't that's the yeah I mean JD was more likely to be scratches brother there was their eyes I thought it was JD who who would just give the manager fits because there was ease couldn't play. Last minute I think yes he Daschle ever like he'd you know his his hamstring so open and so. He would be a last minute thing coaches and managers hate that because. Especially the Red Sox since Francona they've always had this thing they like to tell guys the night before a year get in and day out tomorrow hey you're gonna plated mark Macon prepare for it. And that's something that Farrell has carried over. And when him lead pulls stuff like this now you're sort of you're asking someone who wasn't prepared to play to suddenly step and I. Understand it's not fair but I understand having separate rules for certain players right the guy got to manage but he's also producing David okay you deal with the excellent point John. Hanley is not producing. And whether whether it's the bad it is against the royals were laughing with sour president to run game late was on the swings this guy takes I was there Sunday. And it's not the first time this year he swings at a first pitch of Wales and a page doesn't look close doesn't seem. Locked in the way nannies be locked in having a big god Bobble head night for Manny to say which one about Manny. Manny Ramirez in the back in the batter's box up against that one a bank it's rare. You know he he was locked in as anybody. Or tees if he's bitching about his contract the complaining about an injury or manager he was locked into the batter's box. Hanley doesn't look like he gives a crap at times yet that. The message you are sending is we're OK with this behavior. Odd people on about it for gusting to 41 slugging 747. That makes cents. Yes OPS percent and yet the that's my thing with Hanley is he's trying to short circuit the process of being David Ortiz like he. Knew that David Ortiz is gone after replace him and you know what his numbers last year were not quite Ortiz leveled a close enough where he did that again you can total of attack. The problem is. The numbers came first court season and all the other stuff the personality of the smile the big pot be the persona. All of that stuff back came second. And Haley seems to be trying to put all that first some going to be the guy who laughs and jokes and everybody in the middle of the game because my stature in baseball I can get away with back. And you you cite no. No you know as one of his former teammates it's a no no no pot but there are allowing him right now to get away yet made by not putting on the DL on San okay. Fix whatever shoulder it's hurt or goal restaurant TLC after the all star break we saying his world came with his behavior and John Farrell can. Alluded to last night by getting its willing credit. But you're not really doing Hanley careless. We get called out by his manager. I've been reading he's being did talk to behind the scenes maybe you know they need to do lynch him on a day when he's healthy say you know what now where we're good we're gonna go to guys that we have you know that would send a strong message to me. Dan. TO or whatever setting. Long term the use the shoulders all year both he both he and they have been since or is now and he's not. Really hurt you know now I feel good physically keeps on Bradford goes good physically. I think he does do you wanna play first base he wants to decide when and where he's going to play. And keep letting the guys not performing do that I don't understand what kind of message we're sending to your team. I'm speaking of the Boston Red Sox begin rob Bradford just posts a story on the Red Sox target. I've heard this name brought up but I'm sure we're there yet with the Red Sox and where they are for giving up big prospects for this player will get that push your phone calls. But it's a mossy and for Kirk injure. Scourge and Callahan with Kirk made ahead and Gerry Callahan won Sports Radio WEEI. Yeah of the do do bird these are more. It is there's. I just there's no improvement third. Well we're really. Tall burden is there. He considered the greatest ever. 100%. I mean it. You know you've always got two sides' arguments usually when when people are talking Marbury this is out tomorrow. How good are you would your stats. You know. That would you look I don't own film and then there is that people who always when a validated by wins and championships. When he's got both. And there I don't I don't think you can argue who you can compared to say you're not the best volatile. Thought I was his former teammate Darrelle Revis talking about Tom Brady last night on the NFL's top 100 players in 2017. Coming in at number one once again. Tom Brady Revis talking about him and certainly earned it office play last year meeting get the MVP because in play enough I understand Matt Ryan. I did plenty things Atlanta guard of the MVP but I think it's pretty clear that Tom Brady was the best player. In the league last year from the rankings NFL I'd dot com NFL network. They go with your guy TV twelve who might be here next year at least some people right now is number one player in the national football what's amazing to me it's. He's been the best quarterback and a thoughts out of your use her for the last ten years you know I mean that. 08 team obviously will dollar or seventeen I should say about the records for get hurt no way. And it's taken so long for the public at large to recognize which is a strange to me I mean it's. Objectively so obvious. That he has been the best player in football for a long long time and only now at age forty I mean tell me another athlete of the outside of Barry Bonds. Tell me another athlete who is the best in his sport at age forty. I'm not sure mean Lance Armstrong I don't what how old now is it like he was we asked all his adult stuff we know that right now but he's doping stuff that was well before Ford doesn't exist and it's why Brady's is seen towards that women wanna heavyweight title fight forty Sammy and it's just. Is there's nobody made you Ortiz last it was close he's probably the best he might have been the best as the eight hitter in the Jan. But it's just amazing in that sport where. You know kickers can barely hold on into their forties and here you go with the quarterback. Who's not only still playing but he is the best player in the league that is unprecedented in the history that only showed the forty year old quarterback's right they sure far be sure warn. Mood a couple of their guys and their numbers are just it's it it's a it's like as a down stock it's like one of the stock chart you look at just going down down down. Whereas Brady is coming off a huge Capote with. Any of these years and for his age. I think that's. That's part of the reason why is not been. Given the credit I think that the credit is not come from. The fact the patriots dislike number one Johnny said why's he not gotten credit being the best quarterback only people at the patriots that's really helps. I do think there was this Peyton Manning mystique. In the league it wasn't until. Hey you know the numbers then and actually got an hours ago with them. But it wasn't until Kerry Byrne a cold hard football facts really sort of pointing out okay look at Brady's doing. Vs Manning in categories OK besides winning. Anyway go look at the on completion perceive that it did touchdown interception ratio is look at all these different numbers in the numbers started to advance in football. That was a big part of it but up until then. It was on management and Brady Brady's game manager John for the first person is Greg issue could say he has but he's. He's really changed his career from the game manager two with three or she said dial as the numbers and that plays into the people slow to react to Brady is well lease on a national debt and what was interesting about me. Ending from the opposite perspective was he goes out at the end of his career and finally becomes a guy. Whose teams win you know like it by the end of his career he's beating Brady regularly in the playoffs he wins the Super Bowl he gets another symbol gets crushed but at least gets there. And so Manning sort of reversed that narrative on him but he wasn't a winning player he became that by the end of his career. And Brady has done the same thing while continuing to win the whole way. Now you have to recognize the greatness of is he the most accurate passer in NFL history and I don't mean completion percentage is I don't know he could he's going to be up higher malice anyway but in terms of watching him. Is there a more accurate especially intermediate passer. Ever in the most insane stat along those lines he has 300 or more touchdowns than interceptions in his career. Yeah and that's what organize and raise him from a guy like Manning I'm sure Manning's numbers probably. 150 short that yeah me. Any smarter this year and it it's as the league has gotten. Let's call more hip to the dance numbers and that touchdown interception ratio is more important than just the overall touched on number Manning is being lauded for these huge touchdown numbers. He also a big numbers depict Brett Favre same way. Brady then came along you didn't have Blake 39 touchdown for receptions he's so he's out of touch on numbers and he wasn't turning the ball over yet so it Brady's 304 what's Manning Chris we have that. What is number 280. You were so now that can't be right. No I I I I would guess that Manning had a lot more interceptions Brady meets him actually honestly feel like time line at about ten Oreo total interceptions of Manning has 251. Tom Brady has 152 visions of that's the hundred now Manning had so many touchdowns again that. But a hundred more interceptions. Tells embraced us to war we think at least high level years and although you know again. All this will ratchet up at some point this summer the future of Tom Brady which is taken a slight pay it is here on sports talk radio that is coming because it's the drop will thing. Eagle on LA times soon and your guy Brady just got named the best. Player in the league at the this age of 39 month and pick the guy he replaced entitlement touchdowns interceptions I loved watching Bledsoe from and we all pre season. But back foot he had an arrow slither on in 9000 miles an hour. But I've got his numbers 251 touchdowns 206 interceptions scorers there's barely won one. And that's the the complete opposite of any unit with a million different coordinators in a million different set of offensive skill set players and better as he's gotten. Older his career were for a long time in it was far away. That Manning had the better players than Brady. When it came to the surrounding cast. Cola causes players so Marvin Harrison or Reggie Wayne I mean Brady didn't have anybody like that and preaching Ozzie also played inside vs Brady play out Dallas Clark and and we look those debates are over I mean unless you are trade wing goal or Greg Doyle. You're no longer advocating for Peyton Manning being the best quarterback of all time that's out the window favre's out the window. It is Tom Brady the question is how one goes at this level and you mentioned the age thing going for and it's one of the reasons why. There is at least say a some portion of patriot fans who after next year. If he has that quality what what did I don't like down here for Brady's at this point at her I mean I think I literally think the only thing that will stop in his injury being that. That because grapples waiting behind him as good as Brady's been. There's some portion of fans who are. Seen this is Brady's last season getting sick in the call you we take an MB here on the bishop and a bad or fatal. One or ten more years of rating and that's it you can't plan on him being here it's at least fifty you you can't any of but you also given what heed the season has had. I don't I go boy has a year like this next year already handed the keys to Jimmy gee I guess we can't. We gotta get this guy twenty million die I don't pay a rumpled more than Brady we got to keep these guys around a year from new paper Timor's socket. Just give Brady's money you're thrust your top and this is I admittedly do not watch as one of these events last night that I knew was happening. Thank them because of Twitter I knew of our balls on wrestling yeah last night apparently in the mellow yelled something and Alitalia something races and Alonso got booed thank you Twitter. Hoping to get to the entire show radio station in the country and play that census. That supposedly. The let me open doesn't count. You had an NBA three on three last night which I watched a lot more than I care to admit I'm going to be in two if they ever forgot racial lines that tape delayed I was gallon. I get this cal game I've watched almost two full gains when I was watching a Kwame Brown a and the 33. Headed monster that team come back to win I saw Ricky Davis Ricky Davis and Rashard Lewis or arbitrary date they were good back and forward Jason Williams blew out his knee and fortunately I think CD's of the non contact injury out of and they cities might be your case play well open looked off it did look jump obligates shop but it's all these. It's like it's. It's great pick Earl mid two thousands NBA guys Mike Beebe and Mike James there was guys Celtic point guard edit a cup of coffee was pretty good. On the announcing crew was pretty good I'd I was. I was in the three and three NB a that I'll watch it. But I'd at these these prolific than to cause a Twitter this and other wanted to watch it live at Newbury was ranked number one here's your top ten. But at the top 100 players 2017 Brady one Von Miller to. Julio Jones three Antonio Brown for clue Mac five air Roger six. As he Hugh Elliot seven O'Dell Beckham junior eight. Levy on bell mine and and Matt Ryan whose name quarterback. He get a good number ten in the rankings does that Lauder died as a little. Six. Yeah I'd I was surprised Roger had an out right to be honest with you mean Bryant had a predict here for a winner last year. And why and how about Roger Warren is out what didn't and while they they got there. I was surprised that he was below but this is. It's a good sign for Brady turns forty in August being the top player in the league is all you need Lenovo Brady when it goes it's gonna go like. That's what happened all. OK Max Kellerman the clippers coming it is I'm I don't know honestly a year that's what I'm telling you is Brady will not have a slow decline you'll have an immediate it'll be over what. Niece Katie avocado ice cream and there's he's going to be pliable yeah it was a decline completely said he thought yet. He's not getting any tomatoes that sticky so we'll come back get your break in the mid day guys are here they are pumped up big ol' Lou and Christian your W media. Which occurred minutes. Jerry Kelly fox Sports Radio WEEI. Call it what day this is not going to be for those of us who. What data is already those of us wanna gamble on things legal. John I have long had his conversations with. You're real friend my only what you stand Barbary she wrote the great pulled tooling with kings got. About fan you'll draft kings and not gambling not not gambling but it leads to conversations of gambling and why can't we is. Red blooded Americans in 2017. Why can't we gamble leak what we have to go to offshore web sites in places like Antigua and the Caribbean and have to wait six weeks for your pay out liking you walk in what you can over in London. Now lab broke through William Hill. Walking off the street place a bet get a plight. And enjoy your games well. We might be a step closer to that while we were talking the US Supreme Court which have been busy these last couple days. Are they gave the thumbs up at least initially to New Jersey sports betting they grant the New Jersey a petition middle aside the case on merits they've bought this thing for you. Long long long long. Long time it's not over yet does give you merits briefs there's going to be the whole. Out as if the amicus briefs I think it is Amadeus advocates priest read all about through to flee Gately. Things the league's response brief the new Jersey's ever response in October. But it now goes from a certification stage two we merits stage. New round of briefing to get to argue in front the Supreme Court Supreme Court is going to hear the argument from New Jersey that they wanna be able to have sports betting. There at Monmouth park in William Hill. And we want this for a long long time guys like me John this is a good day when it comes to legalizing gambling in this country now can you sum up the arguments for and against what is the argument not ninety seconds now the argument against is that the league. The NFL. They can't find a way to make money on yet so they are saying no no no there's no stopping those Little League is so I didn't even know the league's gonna fight against the league is the one fighting humanity ingredients and up behind a well. Details now finds an NFL is really play the NBA you know Adam silver wants it carried that they don't want it better for the NHL. It's the NCAA it's the NFL those humanities don't want this they say biggest fights there. We don't want any world but it's a step in the right direction. For guys like me degenerate gambling and again it's like Revere that's I got I hope so we got to go. Thoughts to Kirk's family. Going through. A tough couple years and a tough couple of days here with the passing. Of his dad six weeks ago and his mom last Thursday or thoughts and prayers out to Kirk. And his entire family we are back to Margaret tomorrow I back to zero Jerry's back tomorrow as well and made big guys are next year Sports Radio W media it's four and you know it was.

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K&C - Hanley Ramirez keeps bailing; sports gambling may become legal 6-27-17 - WEEI.com

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