Shaheen vs. free speech She wants to silence you

Jeanne Shaheen wants you to shut up already. She believes passionately that the First Amendment is too broad. It has to be rewritten to give government the authority to limit the speech of citizens.

Shaheen has promoted this view for years, and on Monday the bill she co-sponsored to amend the Constitution to restrict citizen speech came up for a procedural Senate vote. The American people lose when corporations and special interests can spend limitless dollars trying to sway public opinion and inject themselves in our democratic election process, and we have to take action on the secret money that is growing increasingly prevalent in campaigns, she said

Corporations and special interests, eh? If restricting corporations is the goal, then why does the constitutional amendment that she co-sponsored say, Congress and the States may regulate and set reasonable limits on the raising and spending of money by candidates and others to influence elections?

The phrase candidates and others means you, not corporations and special interests.

The First Amendment states that Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. Shaheen wants to make a law to do exactly that. But she cannot, because of the First Amendment. So she wants to amend it to give her the power to limit your ability to speak about politics, which means about her. New Hampshire, speak out against this while you still can.

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Shaheen vs. free speech She wants to silence you

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