They’re Coming For Our Guns Instead of the Psychiatric Drugs- This is The Big One – Video

They #39;re Coming For Our Guns Instead of the Psychiatric Drugs- This is The Big One
I was honored when Alex Jones became a fan of, and featured our page as a favorite: I was honored because I became impressed with his work back in 2007 when I watched his documentary "ENDGAME -The Blueprint for Global Enslavement" in which he made it clear that the global elite agenda is based in Psychiatry influenced Nazi Eugenics. Say what you wish, Alex Jones has been a voice of freedom and stood up vocally and was taking real action in protecting our freedoms long before many of us even knew what was going on. Do I agree with him on every issue or philosophy? NO, but he speaks a lot of truth when it comes to every day practical matters regarding our freedoms and the sacred documents our country was founded on. Those documents did not call for an entire nation to be drugged with dangerous psychiatric "medications" and left helplessly unarmed.From:ConnectTheBlotsViews:1 10ratingsTime:05:32More inNews Politics

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They're Coming For Our Guns Instead of the Psychiatric Drugs- This is The Big One - Video

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