Seattle, Huntsville, Conroe and the rest of the story – Huntsville Item

The city of Seattle, Washington is lecturing its white employees on the evils inherent in their paying obeisance to objectivity, individualism and the seeking of perfection in their work. The stated reason is to atone for the racism such practices have allegedly wrought through underpinning a white dominant society characterized by individual creativity and upward mobility at the expense of blacks. Lets address this policy in light of two motives behind it, the one expressed, the other a more subtle probability.

The express motive lies in the belief gone viral through the actions of Black Lives Matter that blacks are yet being exploited and relegated to a lower standard of living in the US. Implied here is the view that left to their own devices, blacks cannot rise above their station. The deficiencies in this view may be addressed with a review of two remarkable African American Educators who incorporated the three traits of objectivity, individualism and perfection to ignite success in the early twentieth century amidst a white gentry bent not only on segregation but also on eugenics and the sterilization of the African-American. These educators were Samuel W. Houston of Huntsville and David Abner Jr of Conroe.

Both Houston and Abner were leaders of African American Christian colleges in their respective domains. Each of them realized the link of objectivity, individualism and the seeking of perfection to igniting a sense of creativity and enterprise. Theirs was the path marked by Thomas Jefferson himself as he opined that intelligence linked to Christian-backed virtue was the key to securing the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness enshrined in his authorship of the Declaration of Independence.

Houston and Abner each rejected the eugenics refrain of their time which was accommodated to an extent even by the prominent black leaders of the day, W.E. B. Dubois, Kelly Miller, and in his own way, Booker T. Washington. Houston even attended colleges associated with each of these black leaders: Hampton Institute with Booker T. Washington, Atlanta University with Dubois and Howard University with Kelly Miller; Houston also had personal friendships with all of them. Houston later gained both state and national fame stemming from the high caliber of students produced in his Sam Houston Institute in the environs of Huntsville. Samuel W. Houston, however, gave most credit not to the views of his African American mentors, but to Christianity for igniting a mode of upward mobility in his students.

Like Samuel W. Houston, David Abner Jr. took the reigns of Conroe Normal and Industrial College in Conroe and maneuvered it to heights in its golden years, setting the stage for eventually employing six extensions extending all the way to San Francisco. Like Houston, David Abner Jr. instilled the twin pillars of intelligence and virtue in his students giving them the skills and fortitude for successful lives.

David Abner Jr and Samuel W. Houston, then, demonstrated that blacks could rise on their own, without the thinly veiled racism inherent in Seattles drive to shame the whites into lowering themselves to accommodate them.

Which brings us to the more subtle motive probably endemic to the Seattle project, an embrace of the Malthusian policy of the worlds global elite as indicated recently at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland. This is the view that man, like the animals, is limited in his creative abilities. Given this premise, many globalists seek to reduce the expectations of world progress to a realistic level via de- legitimizing objectivity, individualism and perfection. This is the Rest of the Story.

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Seattle, Huntsville, Conroe and the rest of the story - Huntsville Item

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