Asperger's referenced in Wyo. college killing note

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) A bizarre, rambling suicide note left behind by a man who police say killed his father in front of a handful of students in a Wyoming community college classroom extols eugenics and blames his father for the genes he said caused him to have Asperger's syndrome.

Christopher Krumm, 25, wrote that he was unable to keep a job, never had a love life and "always had to subsist as a sort of bottom feeder,"

The note confirmed a motive suggested by people close to Krumm in the immediate aftermath of the slayings.

"I am extremely bitter and frothing with hatred toward my father. I am resentful that my country did not castrate him," Krumm wrote.

The two-page, closely-spaced suicide note was entitled, "Tired of Having Asperger Syndrome; America Should Look to China."

A police statement Wednesday discouraged people from "making flash judgments" based on the content. Krumm had "self-diagnosed," the statement read, and there was no evidence he was ever officially identified with any mental or physical condition.

Casper police released the note Wednesday after The Associated Press filed a records request. Two copies of the letter were found soon after the Nov. 30 murder-suicide, police said.

The note praised eugenics the practice of selecting people with certain traits for breeding and survival and China for what Krumm described as that country's genetic, fiscal and cultural discipline.

"You should not have allowed my father to breed because he was genetically predispositioned toward having Asperger's Syndrome and put me at greatly increased risk for having it (and in fact I do). How could you hold his right to breed over my right not to be born?" Krumm wrote.

One copy was found in the Casper College classroom where police say Krumm shot his father, computer science instructor James Krumm, 56, in the head with an arrow using a high-powered bow. Authorities say he then stabbed his father and himself.

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Asperger's referenced in Wyo. college killing note

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