12D ETs – Concerns about Our Earth – Trans-humanism = New Eugenics – Video

12D ETs - Concerns about Our Earth - Trans-humanism = New Eugenics
2013-01-08 2nd journal, Mayan day 9 Etznab/Flint NOTE: OPEN TRANCRIPT for live links -- these are for info, only 😉 From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life. The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology 1:08:33 Michael Talbot #39;Holographic Realities #39; New Dimensions 53:15 Transcript http://www.scribd.com Intro: Hello, my friends. So lovely that you #39;re always so close. Yes, we are that. You have some concerns. Yes, I do. I #39;ve just watched a video that #39;s stirred up some concerns -- rather heavy ones. So this will be our first conversation where I will include some links, so people can see where I #39;m coming from -- what I mean. I learned tonight that trans-humanism is a word that replaces eugenics. That makes sense to me, considering how it #39;s being implemented -- used on all of us. I #39;d heard it before, but tonight a scientist researcher presented pictures and evidence that one of the chemtrail components is blood -- human blood cells...

By: TheseEyesGod

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12D ETs - Concerns about Our Earth - Trans-humanism = New Eugenics - Video

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