1982: On the Mars Base, All Must Drive Nissan Stanzas – Autoweek

Perhaps due to the influence of a lot of science-fiction-themed album covers and movies during the early 1980s, many television advertisements of that era went all-out on the utopian (or maybe dystopian) themes. You had your glowing-eyed aliens driving the '84 Camaro, a Japanese engineer designing the new Isuzu Piazza using mentally projected vector graphics, big-haired cyborgs pitching the '82 Oldsmobiles on Io and alternate-universe James Bond repo-ing a new Mitsubishi Cordia from Space Baddie Woman.

Now we've found this U.S.-market ad for the new Nissan Stanza (also described as a Datsun, the name-change to Nissan still in its early stages in 1982), featuring five strangely robotic futuroids wearing identical purple jumpsuits made from what appear to be trash bags. Hey, that's what the future looked like.

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1982: On the Mars Base, All Must Drive Nissan Stanzas - Autoweek

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