Campus self-censorship is equal opportunity New York Daily News

A common refrain on campuses today is that students are likely to self-censor their views and ideas. Looking at the data, this is an experience shared by nearly all students and amongst almost all races.

In 2016, when students were asked about the security of their freedom of speech, almost three-quarters (73%) felt secure in their First Amendment right, according to a Knight Foundation study. In 2021, that number declined to 47%. During that time, nearly two-thirds (65%) of students felt their school stifles free expression, up from 54% in 2016.

Harvard University students Anwar Omeish, of Fairfax, Va., center, and Salma Abdelrahman, of Miami, right, chant slogans as they protest a scheduled speaking appearance of author Charles Murray on the campus of Harvard University, Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017, in Cambridge, Mass. (Steven Senne/AP)

There is a rampant culture of self-censorship. As a professor, I see this all the time in class and during campus events; students anxiously want to ask questions or make particular points but opt to say nothing instead.

Data from the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE)s new study of almost 45,000 currently enrolled students at more than 200 colleges and universities around the nation provides a deeper look at how students think about self-censorship. Disturbingly, the desire to silence dissent is not only widespread, but also far too common across all racial and ethnic groups.

Some claim that speech codes and other restrictions on free expression on campus are necessary because free speech, as currently defined, effectively silences minority groups. They say as a corrective, its important to be far more sensitive to the harm that words can do creating safe spaces and, in some cases, silencing controversial speakers.

But data from FIRE shows that the racial differences between how young people perceive campus climates is minimal. Fifty-six percent of Black students report that they limit what they say out of concern for reactions a number far too high. Fifty percent of Hispanic students, 56% of Asian students, and 54% of white students report doing the exact same thing.

In a time and culture where peer approval is high, significant numbers of students, no matter their background, live in fear of damaging their reputations due to simple misunderstandings over words or actions. Sixty-two percent of Hispanic and 64% of white students are either slightly worried or very worried about harming their reputation over a misunderstanding. The figure is even higher for Asian students at 74% but notably lower at 53% for Black students. Black students are the least likely to live in fear of social consequences from speech. This powerfully runs against much of the diversity, equity and inclusion messaging.

Unsurprisingly, roughly half of Hispanic (49%), Black (48%), and Asian (53%) students note that they regularly feel some or more pressure to avoid discussing controversial topics in their classes. For white students, the numbers are almost identical at 51%.


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For a set of institutions which theoretically exists to promote curiosity and critical inquiry, the fact that intellectual controversy is now actively avoided by almost half of the student body represents a failure of the educational process itself and this should give presidents, trustees, faculty, students and all supporters of higher education pause.

Moreover, when it comes to self-imposed silence, there are barely any differences among students of different racial backgrounds. This fact calls into question the narrative that many minority groups are unable to speak freely or comfortably in academic settings. Regardless of race, most students are uncomfortable speaking up in class; narratives about some students being able to speak with others cannot are deeply divisive and irresponsible.

Finally, few racial differences exist among attitudes towards limiting the free expression of others. For instance, in terms of shouting down speakers to prevent them from speaking on campus and sharing their views, 63% of Black students believe that there are cases where doing so is acceptable. The data also shows that 62% of Hispanic students feel the same way, along with 67% of Asian students and 62% of white students. When asked if they would approve of blocking fellow students from attending an event, only 38% of Hispanic and 39% of Black students can think of cases where such physical engagement could be justified.

Again, racial differences are minor and often overstated.

Self-imposed silence on collegiate campuses today is a disturbing and almost universal experience for our nations undergraduates. Self-censorship rates are far too high across the board and the data demonstrate that students of all racial backgrounds live in fear of questioning the narrow, rigid ideologies espoused on their respective campuses. If universities truly believe in free expression and open inquiry, they should ask themselves why so many students do not feel the freedom to do so. Furthermore, they should stop their offices of diversity, equity, and inclusion from using supposed discrimination as justification for speech restrictions.

Higher education must work to bring students of all backgrounds together to promote viewpoint diversity and reverse this disturbing trend of censorship.

Abrams is a professor of politics at Sarah Lawrence College and a nonresident senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Abrams is currently on the board of directors of FIRE.

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Campus self-censorship is equal opportunity New York Daily News

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