Brexit-hating Manfred Weber launches WAR of words on Spain as … – Montana Right Now

Europhile and Brexit hating Manfred Weber has hit out at Spain and its dealing with Catalan separatists for power. Wading into the domestic policies of the country, Weber raged: "When corruption, violence and even terrorism go unpunished, it breaks the rule of law. "When people in Spain are no longer equal before the law, it breaks Rule of Law. We will not be silent about what is happening in Spain."Spain is currently in the throes of political turmoil which is threatening to spill into the EU. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has been attacked by European conservatives, including Weber accusing him of undermining the rule of law of the EU by offering an amnesty to Catalan separatists for political support. Following months of a political statement since a chaotic July election, Sanchez announced a deal with the Catalan separatists. Sanchez is seeking to form a minority government with their backing. But the deal has not gone down well in the EU with some suggesting that the deal would set a dangerous precedent. Weber said: "Spanish civil society, lawyers organizations, the highest court, they are all worried about the breakdown of the rule of law in Spain following the government agreement. "This is not a party issue, it's a rule of law issue. The left is silent in this House, but Europe is not."The EU has been accused of meddling in domestic politics by socialist allies of the Prime Minister. Socialist lawmaker Iratxe Garca, who leads the Socialists group in the Parliament, told reporters over the weekend during a party gathering in Mlaga, Spain. Citizens voted and the majority in Spain say that they dont want a government between conservatives and the far-right.Yesterday, the new cabinet of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez take office and attend first meeting after forming new government. Sanchez, who won a vote in parliament to clinch another term last week after months of negotiations, added nine new faces to the 22-person cabinet.Spain's King Felipe swore in the new cabinet in which most of the senior ministers retain their positions.

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Brexit-hating Manfred Weber launches WAR of words on Spain as ... - Montana Right Now

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