Brexit and Beyond: Trademark Protection Strategies in an Uncertain Global Marketplace – Lexology

The unprecedented challenges posted by the COVID-19 pandemic forced many companies and their in-house legal teams to temporarily shelve their Brexit preparations in order to deal with the immediate threats posed by the pandemic. While COVID-19 remains an ongoing and serious concern for US operations, companies that also do business in the UK also need to put Brexit planning for their trademark portfolio back on the agenda. Having declined to request a further extension, the UK is set to exit the European Union on Dec. 31. Businesses need to prepare now in order to protect their trademarks in an uncertain global market.

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Brexit and Beyond: Poll Results

At the ACC Greater Philadelphia 12th Annual In-House Counsel Conference, attendees of Womble Bond Dickinsons panel presentation provided the following responses to polling questions posed throughout the discussion.

How well-informed do you feel about Brexit and trademarks?I have read all the guidance and know it all 0%I have seen some guidance, and made some plans 6%I am aware of changes, but not made plans 82%Brexit will make no difference 6%What is Brexit? 6%

What is your biggest Brexit concern for trademarks?Losing registered protection in the UK 50%Increased expense 10%More administration and management of portfolios 15%Squatters registering in the UK 20%Loss of rights due to non-use 0%Enforcement in the UK 0%Controlling parallel imports 5%


Brexit and Beyond: Trademark Protection Strategies in an Uncertain Global Marketplace - Lexology

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