Dont believe the hype: AI is no silver bullet –

You could be forgiven for thinking the entire world is now powered by artificial intelligence (AI) systems. McKinsey predicted a couple of years ago that the technology would add $13tn (10.8tn/9.7tn) to the global economy by 2030, and its currently easier to list the cyber security firms that arent shouting about their AI and machine learning capabilities than those that are.

Unfortunately, the reality of how its currently used doesnt map to the marketing hyperbole. We want to believe in the narrative because, like flying cars and jetpacks, the technology is so appealing to us. The cold, hard truth is very different.

Chief information security officers (CISOs) looking for new security partners must therefore be pragmatic when assessing whats out there. AI is helpful, in limited use cases, to take the strain off stretched security teams, but its algorithms still have great difficulty recognising unknown attacks. Its time for a reality check.

We live in a world where cyber attackers seem to hold all the cards or, if they dont, theyre certainly on an impressive winning streak.

The Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) revealed a 17% increase in data breaches in 2019 versus 2018, with more than 164 million records exposed across virtually every vertical you can imagine. The vast cyber crime economy that supports these endeavours is estimated to be worth $1.5tn annually, almost as much as the GDP of Russia.

Covid-19 has only made things more challenging for CISOs. An explosion in unmanaged home-working endpoints, distracted employees, stretched IT support staff, overloaded virtual private networks (VPNs), and unpatched remote access infrastructure has ramped up cyber risk levels. Skilled security professionals remain worryingly hard to find theres now a global shortage of more than four million.

All of this sets the scene for AI to ride in and save the day. But while intelligent algorithms have been developed to beat the worlds best Go players, power the voice assistants in our homes, and unlock our smartphones via facial recognition, a breakthrough remains as elusive as ever when it comes to cyber security.

Lets be clear. Machine and deep learning are good at some things. Give the system plenty of data and train it to spot subtle patterns and it can do so quite successfully. This could be useful in flagging known security threats and misconfigurations that human eyes may otherwise miss.

Its good in areas like anti-fraud tooling, for example, because scammers usually riff off the same underlying ideas when trying to defraud banks and businesses. By spotting these needles in the haystack, AI can help in-demand security professionals to do their jobs more efficiently and effectively.

Yet in this respect, AI is similar to a Google search engine, filtering through large volumes of data that humans couldnt possibly sort. What we havent achieved yet is the creation of independent learning machines that can draw new conclusions from patterns. The much-touted capability of baselining normal and then being able to spot abnormalities that could indicate suspicious patterns is actually much harder than it sounds.

Networks are incredibly complex and the bigger they are, the harder they are to map. Add to this the fact that commercial networks are constantly changing and developing new behaviours and interactions, and you have even more complexity. That means AI systems end up flagging even just the regular evolution of a healthy network as suspicious, resulting in an overwhelming number of false positives.

Cyber criminals also have a few tricks up their sleeve. By making their behaviour appear as normal as possible they could trick these intelligent systems. On the other hand, well-documented adversarial techniques can trick AI into making the wrong decisions by creating the digital equivalent of optical illusions.

So where do we go from here? Can we design improvements into AI systems to make them more effective in cyber security? The single biggest challenge in this field is transparency: the ability of a system to explain why it arrived at a particular decision.

Unfortunately, those AI systems that can explain how they came up with an answer are less effective than the more inscrutable black boxes. Users dont trust results from these opaque systems and find it challenging to follow up leads which simply say something unusual happened without explaining what made it worth flagging and why it matters to the business.

The lesson here for CISOs is buyer beware. Absolutely invest in AI systems for spotting well-established patterns that can make your security team more productive. But dont imagine the tech will be able to achieve sophisticated detection of new and unknown threats or replace human security analysts.

AI doesnt automate the work humans were already doing because there was never any way they could search through vast datasets in the first place. Your human experts will still need to take the lead, albeit with some help.

For what seems like the past 50 years, we have been a decade away from a breakthrough into artificial general intelligence (AGI). Despite the industry hype, this vision remains as elusive today as it ever was.

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Dont believe the hype: AI is no silver bullet -

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