Letter: Reaping what you sow | Letters to the Editor – Arizona Daily Star

Re: the July 23 letter "Vote because your life depends on it."

The letter illustrates that some of the distrust of the medical profession that is hindering the fight against COVID-19 has been well-earned. Women with chronic debilitating symptoms are dismissed as psychiatric cases, while people of color cannot get treatment for pain. Research into the devastating epidemics of chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, and autism is underfunded in favor of research into expensive treatments for rare diseases. The CDC and Dr. Fauci's NIAID ignore evidence that Lyme bacteria can persist in the body and cause years of disability, fail to develop accurate tests for Lyme, and discredit labs that offer better tests.

This neglect drives many patients into alternative medicine, where some find healing and some learn distrust of Western science, including vaccines. Perhaps the public's maddening response to the pandemic will lead to a re-evaluation of medicine's practices and priorities.

Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.

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Letter: Reaping what you sow | Letters to the Editor - Arizona Daily Star

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