Rav Elyashiv ZTL On Alternative Medicine By R. Yair Hoffman – Yeshiva World News

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for The Five Towns Jewish Times

The editors of the Five Towns Jewish Times have been inundated with letters of protest against articles that have appeared the past two weeks in regard to alternative medicine being a violation of Lifnei Iver, and medically, scientifically and statistically unsound.

Many of them have come in within a few minutes of each other under different names.

This author just got of the phone with Rav Dovid Morgenstern Shlita. Rav Elyashiv zatzal trusted Rav Morgenstern completely and stated several times that he knew Kol HaTorah kulah and is completely trustworthy in relating what Rav Elyashiv held. This can be verified with anyone who knows the family members or any other one who was meshamesh Rav Elyashiv zatzal.

Rav Morgenstern said:

Rav Elyashivs position was that alternative medicine ranges from being assur gamur to being not a good idea at all depending upon which type of alternative medicine it is.

Rav Morgenstern further related an incident of a family whose child was diagnosed with a treatable but very serious disease. The treatment was to be performed at a top university hospital. The parents chose to pursue Alternative Medicine instead and did not return to the hospital. The child subsequently died.

In addition, both of the Five Towns Jewish Times were read by Rav Morgenstern who agreed with the them completely.

The author can be reached at yairhoffman2@gmail.com


Rav Elyashiv ZTL On Alternative Medicine By R. Yair Hoffman - Yeshiva World News

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