August 5 letters | Letters to the Editor | – Journal Inquirer

I have written to state Sen. Saud Anwar and state Rep. Christopher Davis asking that they investigate the issues surrounding delivery charges being assessed by Eversource.

Since early last year delivery charges have surpassed the charge for power supply. With the recent heat wave supply charges dramatically climbed and tremendous increases in delivery charges are being assessed. This is a huge financial burden on many.

As a retired homeowner who has seen my part-time consulting work virtually dry up as a result of COVID-19, having a $413 utility bill arrive was shocking. Equally as disturbing was the fact that the supply charges of $162.40 was 39 percent of the bill with the remainder $250.75 for delivery. I will not shut off my air conditioning in 100 degree weather and sacrifice my health.

Somewhere along the line Eversource received approval for its increases. I cannot believe our elected officials recognized the significance of these increases and the impact on the financial well-being of state residents.

I am asking my elected officials to investigate this matter and if necessary, initiate action to remedy it.

Social media pages are loaded with complaints by aggrieved area residents. Legislators need to recognize this is a major problem that needs attention immediately.

Eversource should be ashamed as it calculate its profits. Our leaders in Hartford have allowed this and now they need to correct it.

I am writing about the Ellington controversy concerning the post of a meme on social media by First Selectwoman Lori Spielman.

The specifics of the adjudication of her situation do not prompt this letter. I am concerned about the ways in which the two sides have been treating each other and the ways in which various perspectives and opinions have been stated.

Talking about racism and white privilege are difficult emotionally charged topics. On social media and in public gatherings we are seeing a full range of emotional reactions including anger, defensiveness, name calling, hostility, bringing up irrelevant subjects, disrespecting others perspectives, mean-spirited language, talking over one another, threatening and attempts at intimidation.

I fear the polarization that is occurring because of the ways that people are reactive, not listening and being disrespectful.

All of us are Gods children. All of us are entitled to the opportunity to express our understandings. All of us should treat others as we would like others to treat us. All of us should try to listen with an intent to try to understand and speak in ways that create an atmosphere in which we can be understood.

Going forward I hope that we can practice disagreeing without becoming disagreeable.

As the senior pastor of the Ellington Congregational Church, I want to be part of efforts to heal, to bring our community together, to find common ground, to move toward greater understanding of our diversity and appreciation for one another.

Its been three months since COVID-19 invaded Connecticut. All federal, state, and local experts trying to treat its symptoms have failed to come up with a successful protocol. Closing and restricting access to beaches have only kept medicine away from the cure of the coronavirus.

I believe it is now high time these so-called experts changed their protocol to help these poor victims instead of adding to their suffering.

I am not here just to criticize; I have the solution and the protocol to rid our state of COVID-19. My qualifications are 30 years of alternative medicine experience.

See the rest here:

August 5 letters | Letters to the Editor | - Journal Inquirer

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