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Pontius Pilate would have made a good modern American liberal. When he stood in judgment of Jesus and dismissively said "What is truth?" he pretty much set the standard.

But there are worse things than skepticism and agnosticism. Pilate could have corrected Jesus like some pagan schoolmarm.

That still happens too, of course, as when WTE columnist Rodger McDaniel recently lampooned the teachings of Jesus in this newspaper and weirdly dubbed it the Sagebrush Gospel.

For those who didnt see it, he began by copying three verses verbatim from Jesus Gospel in the Book of Matthew, Chapter 25. Then he edited and reworked the rest of the verses to suit his purposes.

What began as the teachings of Jesus got perverted into some strange amalgam of Karl Marx, Joel Biden, Saul Alinski and Lady Gaga.

Any reader who went in expecting some profound Biblical exegesis got punked with a typical ration of blasphemous left-wing performance art instead n the authors rhetorical equivalent of setting fire to a bag of his own waste, ringing the doorbell of every Christian in town and running away to watch the fun.

Mr. McDaniel, who fancies himself a Christian preacher, is what you call a heretic. Thats a word that was overused during most of church history but is underused today. It describes anyone who makes it their business to misrepresent the teachings of Christ.

Modern liberals attack Christianity all the time of course, but most of them arent heretics because most of them are simply pushing modern liberalism as a replacement for Christianity. And at least they are honest about it.

But Mr. McDaniel preaches modern liberalism and calls it Christianity. And that is not honest.

Its not even possible. Christianity and modern liberalism are mutually exclusive because they rise from opposite assumptions about the natures of God and man and how they interact.

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