Ambiquity a New Life Perspective

It's time we developed a new "life perspective" how humans understand where life begins, what happens when life ends and what humans should do in between to gain a meaningful existence.

Like the Model T, the sextant and the typewriter, current life perspectives are out of date because they haven't kept pace with the evolution of human thought.

Some perspectives include Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Taoism, Hinduism, agnosticism, atheism and tribalism, though there are others.

In the new life perspective, the archaic tenets from the old life perspectives are discarded or modified.

For example, the tenet of sin in which a human is automatically born with imperfections needing forgiveness will be chucked in favor of a new tenet called "A-OK," which assumes that humans are born good and can continue as such.

Another tenet, that of an afterlife, will be reformed.

No longer will humans be judged at death as to whether their soul will proceed to a blissful place or purgatory. Instead, this tenet will merge reincarnation with chemistry to explain that humans perpetually extend their physical presence after their death, because their bodies break down into molecules that disperse across the universe.

Another tenet, the concept of guilt and its associated feeling of regret, will be sent packing. It will be replaced with the tenet of personal comfort, which states that if humans behave badly, then they can still be comfortable with themselves because they are learning from their mistakes instead of feeling badly about themselves.

And a final tenet, that people must pledge their devotion to a higher authority, will be tossed.

No longer will the higher authority be an intangible entity residing somewhere up above. The new authority receiving devotion will be a more powerful entity: one's self, right here on earth.

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Ambiquity a New Life Perspective

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