Classes offered for astronomy enthusiasts –

Mackenzie Thaden, WZZM 7:57 AM. EST February 18, 2017

Credit: Getty Images/ Vikrant Agarwal / EyeEm (Photo: Vikrant Agarwal / EyeEm, Vikrant)

GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. - The Grand Rapids Public Museum and the Grand Rapids Amateur Astronomical Association are teaming up to give people in West Michigan an opportunity to learn more about astronomy.

They are offering free introductory classes to teach people how to best use a telescope and what to look for in the sky.

The classes are held at Schuler Books and Music at 2660 28th Street, Grand Rapids.

On February 18 participants will learn about recommended telescopes, guide books, star charts, and online resources that will help guide them as they learn more about the night sky.

On March 18th participants will learn where to go and what to do during a total eclipse of the sun taking place this summer.

Following both classes there will also be a telescope tune-up clinic for amateur astronomers to adjust personal telescopes.

The classes begin at 10 a.m. both days. They are free to the public and family friendly.

On March 1, Meteorologist George Lessons will join GRAAA president Dave DeBruynfor a presentation about August's solar eclipse.

That will take place at the Grand Rapids Public Museum at 7:30 p.m.

Mackenzie Thaden is a Producer at WZZM 13. Have a news tip? Email or go on our Facebook page or Twitter.

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( 2017WZZM)


Classes offered for astronomy enthusiasts -

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