Hymec Aerospace expands in Mooresville

Hymec Aerospace (USA) Ltd. plans to invest $3 million to expand its plant in Mooresvilles Talbert Pointe Business Park and buy new machinery and equipment.

Hymec Aerospace started in 2012 and has been leasing space at 116 Infield Court. The company is buying the entire 20,000-square-foot building to expand its operations.

Hymec employs 10 full-time engineers and skilled assembly workers and will add at least five workers.

The company makes aluminum baggage bars, aerospace hinges and other parts for the U.S. aircraft interiors industry.

Hymec is part of the Hymec Aerospace Manufacturing Group established in the United Kingdom in 1978.

Mooresville has invested hours and energy in forming strategic partnerships and targeting companies with operations in the United Kingdom, Mayor Miles Atkins said in a statement Monday.

With their large motorsports and aerospace background, they mirror seamlessly with our existing (business sectors). We are excited to see our community reap the benefits from these endeavors.

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Hymec Aerospace expands in Mooresville

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