Pupils ‘travel world’ as school embraces Games

Last updated at 14:00, Thursday, 28 June 2012

A BARROW school embraced the Olympics to learn about countries from across the world.

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Pupils at Cambridge School, in Barrow, took part in an Olympic flag procession on Monday. (25/6)

The event was aimed at boosting the childrens international awareness and pupils from all years joined in the fun.

Flags on display included those of Jamaica, Cyprus, Trinidad and Tobago, France and the USA.

Headteacher Linda Dean said: It was the launch of our involvement and interest in the London 2012 Olympics.

A flag procession was one of the suggested activities and we thought it would be a good way to get involved.

The pupils designed and made flags from different countries and we did a procession through the school, outside into the street, back through the playground and into the main hall.

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Pupils ‘travel world’ as school embraces Games

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