Mrida makes the Travel + Leisure top 25 best cities in the world to travel – The Yucatan Times

Mrida appears in the 24th place in a select list of the 25 best cities in the world to travel, which is produced each year, with the help of its readers, by the Travel + Leisure specialized magazine.

These are the Travel + Leisure Worlds Best Awards 2020, which in its 25th edition recognized Oaxaca in the first place, a city that also obtained the distinction as Mexico Top City.

According to the newspaper El Universal, the federal Secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco Marqus, said that Mexico is the only country with four cities within the top 25, and he sent his congratulations to Oaxaca and San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato (first and second place respectively); Mexico City (eleventh place) and Mrida, Yucatn (twenty-fourth).

This list is obtained thanks to the travel opinions of the readers of this specialized publication based in New York City, which is dedicated to giving advice and tips on destinations around the world and has also delivered these awards for the last 25 years.

The governor of Oaxaca, Alejandro Murat Casab, assured that the official announcement is expected this Wednesday, July 15, after 5 p.m., and on that day, Oaxaca will officially receive the Worlds Best City to Travel in the World Award by Travel + Leisure.

Since 2017, Oaxaca has been listed each year among the best 15 cities on the planet and in the top five best cities in Mexico, according to this publication with a global presence.


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Mrida makes the Travel + Leisure top 25 best cities in the world to travel - The Yucatan Times

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