Celebrating One Year On The Road- Family World Travel (Lima, Peru) – Video

Celebrating One Year On The Road- Family World Travel (Lima, Peru)
http://www.thenomadicfamily.com One Stupid, Beautiful Idea! Not your boring we-are-so-perfectly-happy-on-the-road blah, blah, blah blog. Voted TOP TEN FAMILY TRAVEL BLOGS by Washington Post Communities because WE #39;RE HONEST. We cry, fight, and share when we seriously regret this lifestyle choice. We #39;re so normal it #39;s embarrassing.2 insane parents+ 3 very patient kids= 1 adventure of a lifetime. (Oh, and I like to curse. You have been forewarned.) WE ARE DYING FOR 1000 LIKES ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE AND 1000 TWITTER FRIENDS! Can you please help us? Tell your friends. Twitter http://www.twitter.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com Get our blog in your inbox: http://www.thenomadicfamily.com Subscribe to our Youtube channel http://www.youtube.comFrom:thenomadicfamilyViews:2 1ratingsTime:00:55More inTravel Events

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Celebrating One Year On The Road- Family World Travel (Lima, Peru) - Video

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