Aussie women embrace solo travel

Travelling solo gives you freedom to do what you want, when you want, says Linda Bentley, author of

The Sydney-based blogger admits it can be lonely at times but she finds travelling alone incredibly fulfilling.

Bentley represents the one in three Australian women who travel solo for leisure, according to new TripAdvisor findings.

TripAdvisor's inaugural Women and the World Travel Survey has found that Aussie women are embracing independent travel.

The study of more than 3200 Australian women found that 33 per cent travel solo for leisure.

Of these women, 40 per cent are planning between two to four trips this year.

Eighty-two per cent of these solo travellers said their main reason for taking off by themselves was to "get away from it all".

Nearly half of the women (45 per cent) said a reason was being able to choose their own schedule without worrying about others - something Bentley, 39, relishes.

"If I feel like turning left and heading up that road I can," she says. "I can stop anywhere. It's just the incredible freedom of not having to consult anyone."

On average, Bentley spends between a third to half a year travelling abroad, every year. In her down time she's in Sydney working as a graphic designer to finance her trips.

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Aussie women embrace solo travel

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