18 jobs for people who love to travel

Want to get more travel in your life? You might want to look into one of these jobs. Source: Supplied

WHO says you have to trade in your suitcase for a briefcase and stay chained to a desk?

Plenty of employment opportunities require frequent travel, and one of them might be right for you. Dont wait until youre retired to see the world; look into one of these 18 jobs that allow you to travel while you work.

Flight attendant

It may be the most obvious travel-related job, but its also one of the most accessible: You dont need a specialised degree to become a flight attendant, and most major airlines only require prior customer service experience and certification. The hours are frequently erratic, and the work isnt always easy, but youll get a glimpse of hundreds of cities across the globe during your career. A bonus perk? Free or discounted flights for you and your family.

Au pair

Do you work well with children and know a second language? If so, becoming an au pair might be a good option for you. Au pairs live with a host family in a foreign country and provide childcare services such as babysitting and assistance with schoolwork. Youll receive a small salary on top of your room and board, but you also get to fully immerse yourself in another culture as an extended member of a family.

Its an obvious one, but being a flight attendant is an easy way to see lots of different countries. Source: News Corp Australia

Peace Corps volunteer

As the title volunteer might indicate, you wont exactly be making six figures working with the Peace Corps. But if you dont mind living on a budget, you can become part of a worthwhile organisation that lets you travel the world and make a difference at the same time. Assignments typically last two years and involve working to advance education, health care, and economic and agricultural development in a community abroad. The Peace Corps also provides housing, health benefits and student loan deferment not to mention an excellent resum talking point.

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18 jobs for people who love to travel

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