Twitters POTUS account will reportedly be reset to zero followers when Biden takes over – TechCrunch

In this country, we have a longstanding peaceful transfer of power for the executive office, even in the wake of the hardest-fought elections. Certain circumstances have led many to question whether the tradition will continue come January 20. Despite his very vocal protestations, however, the current president has agreed to step aside, should all of his legal maneuvers fall short (something that seems all but a certainty at this point).

There is, of course, nothing in the Constitution that offers guidance the peaceful transition of passwords strangely, the forefathers of this country didnt possess the foresight to predict Twitter . The service has already outlined what happens to Trumps account when he leaves office. Namely, he loses the protections that come with being a political figure.

CEO Jack Dorsey noted this at last months congressional hearings, stating, If an account suddenly is not a world leader anymore, that particular policy goes away. But what of the incoming president? What will the transition look like for Biden? And what happens if Trump doesnt willingly give up the official @Potus account as has also been suggested?

He hasnt exactly been eager to accept the results of this election and hes not the sort to willingly give up a platform particularly one with 33 million followers (admittedly a fraction of Trumps main account).

Nick Pacilio, of Twitters Communications, Government & News team, offered TechCrunch the following statement, on the matter: Twitter has been in ongoing discussions with the Biden transition team on a number of aspects related to White House account transfers.

The company, perhaps understandably, didnt answer the question directly, but working with the incoming team is a simple enough way to circumvent any issues transferring more than one dozen accounts, as The Wall Street Journal notes. As has been reported, existing tweets will be deleted and the incoming administration will start from scratch a net positive for the Biden team, given thepolarizing nature of the previous presidents feed.

According to Bidens digital director, the POTUS and White House accounts will also reset to zero followers, marking a change over the Obama to Trump transition. Donald Trumps personal Twitter account has already lost one prominent follower. Earlier this week, CEO Jack Dorsey unfollowed the president, along with other prominent politicians, including Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

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Twitters POTUS account will reportedly be reset to zero followers when Biden takes over - TechCrunch

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