I’m Never Selling This Tech Giant With Huge Growth Ahead – The Motley Fool

Alphabet ( GOOG 0.75% ) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) is a dominant company in a unique position with its many winning businesses. In this Motley Fool Live segment from "The Rank," recorded on March 14, Fool.com contributors Travis Hoium, Jason Hall, and Danny Vena discuss the elements that set Alphabet apart.

Travis Hoium: Just an incredible business built on the core of search. I think for the longest time that was what I had the biggest problem with is, if search is your core, can't somebody just make a better search engine? The answer is no. [laughs] Once you realize that the new bolt-on mail and the whole G-Suite that businesses are starting to run on in the cloud and all kinds of services, YouTube. This is just such a powerful company and it's in such a unique position. Even YouTube as an example, as many streaming companies as there are nobody is doing what YouTube does, really.

Jason Hall: YouTube is a bigger business than Netflix now. It passed it.

Travis Hoium: Yeah, it's just crazy. The core and the main businesses that as we all know are awesome and then you've got all these moonshots. Waymo could be a trillion-dollar company 10 or 20 years from now.

Jason Hall: That's why I rated it as high as I did, Travis because none of the other bets have really hit yet. None of them really hit yet, right?

Travis Hoium: No.

Jason Hall: YouTube was an acquisition. This wasn't anything that they've developed in-house, so that's why I rated it number 1.

Travis Hoium: Yeah. I just think we're seeing over and over again that this is one of those companies that has the kind of moat that nobody is going to be able to penetrate in any meaningful way. Once you're one of these big tech giants, it's just a matter of like which one is going to grow faster and I think that's the battle that we're having here is like, do you prefer Alphabet to Microsoft? Well they're both going to do well, but I think everything Alphabet is the number 1 there. That's why I picked it number 1. It's an incredible business and I'm in more of it every day despite the fact that I am not an investor.

Jason Hall: Danny, my question; I am an investor in this is one and I'm happy I decided to reinvest when I did about a year or so ago. Danny, was there any particular reason why this one was middle of the pack for you or was it just more conviction in some of the other companies?

Danny Vena: It was mostly more conviction in the other companies. I think that investors are taking a fresh look at Alphabet recently because they grew when a lot of the other tech giants' growth decelerated. But this is one of those companies that I've had in my retirement portfolio for years and years and years and years and not something I'm ever going to sell. I think that we don't know. It's probably going to be Waymo. I think Waymo is going to be the next phase of Alphabet's growth. But it throws off so much cash flow, from so much digital advertising that the company can continue to add next-generation businesses, whether it grows them in-house or if it buys them. But I think there are still more phases for Alphabet, for Google that we don't know yet either.

Jason Hall: We are still in the digital transformation with advertising.

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I'm Never Selling This Tech Giant With Huge Growth Ahead - The Motley Fool

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