No to space balloon flights in Singapore: CAAS

SINGAPORE: The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore on Friday (Jan 9) disallowed the planned launch of a space balloon flight from Singapore because of "significant safety and operational concerns".

CAAS said in a statement that the position was conveyed to IN.Genius, the local company spearheading the launch, in late 2013.

"Given the high density of air traffic in our skies and of the populace, space balloon flights cannot be launched from Singapore due to safety risks to aircraft in the Singapore Flight Information Region, as well as to lives and property on the ground," it said.

IN.Genius had planned to send the first Singaporean into space for the country's 50th birthday as a gift to the nation. The space capsule would be launched 20km using a stratospheric balloon, cruise for 30 minutes, then return to Earth by parachute and parafoil.

The companys founder Lim Seng had called the plan a viable, proven, safe way of flying to space. The stratospheric balloons have been used by the Russians, Europeans and Americans to launch equipment into space, he said.


A space balloon has limited steering capability, moves at a relatively slow speed and is highly affected by environmental conditions such as winds. As such, it may drift from its desired flight path and pose safety risks to other aircraft, CAAS said.

To maintain a safety buffer, aircraft will have to be diverted away from a large zone around the balloon's flight path. This will require closure of the affected airspace for prolonged periods, causing severe disruption to civilian air traffic.

"Hundreds of flights and hundreds and thousands of passengers could be adversely affected," CAAS stated.

The operation of the ballon also entails the jettisoning of up to 500kg of ballast, posing a significant danger to persons and property on the ground.

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No to space balloon flights in Singapore: CAAS

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