Remembering Erwin Schrodinger: All about the famous thought experiment ‘Schrodinger’s cat’ and facts on the Nobel-winner – India Today

On his death anniversary, here are some interestig facts about physicist Erwin Schrodinger

Erwin Schrodinger was a renowned physicist who made several notable contributions to the world of physics. He was also awarded the Nobel Prize for his fundamental contributions to the quantum theory.

In addition to being a physicist, he was also a well known author who published a lot of his findings in the various fields of physics.

Erwin Schrodinger conducted a thought experiment, which is now known as 'Schrodinger's cat', after getting inspired from Albert Einstien's idea.

The experiment involved a cat set inside a box along with a flask of poison and a radioactive source. If any of the radioactive particle decays, the flask will shatter, killing the cat. It is assumed that the radioactive particle will decay in the first hour but it is not known for sure, thus posing the conclusion that the cat is both dead and alive.

About his thought experiment, Schrodinger wrote the following:

This experiment is considered one of the biggest dilemmas in the world of physics. This experiment also poses the question "when does a quantum system stop existing as a superposition of states and become one or the other?"

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Remembering Erwin Schrodinger: All about the famous thought experiment 'Schrodinger's cat' and facts on the Nobel-winner - India Today

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