Quantum Computing | Computer Science – Yale University

Quantum computing is entering an exciting new era. Small to medium-scale quantum computers are being built and tested; fast quantum algorithms are being discovered for problems that are previously unsolvable on conventional computers. Yale has been at the forefront of that progress, recognized for its leadership in Quantum Science. Through interdisciplinary research and pioneering innovations, our Yale CS faculty advances the state-of-the-art in quantum computing and quantum information science, building upon insights and lessons from classical computer science.

Yongshan Dings Lab Todays quantum computers are still moderate in size and prone to making errors, while most existing quantum applications require a large number of qubits and a high level of accuracy in operations. To bridge this gap, Dings Lab creates innovative techniques to improve the efficiency of algorithms and software, by adapting to hardware architectures. Working closely with experimentalists, their current efforts include constructing novel error-correcting protocols to guarantee robust computation and designing new algorithms that are less resource-intensive and more error-resilient.

Nisheeth Vishnois group is interested, on the one hand, in the design of quantum algorithms that can go beyond classical algorithms for optimization and sampling problems and, on the other hand, in the design of algorithms for computational problems arising in quantum mechanics.

Lin Zhongs Lab Quantum Computers rely on classical hardware for control (using microwave signals) and error correction (using FPGAs), which bears strong similarity to wireless communication systems: just imagine your smartphone is a qubit under the control of a base station. Toward fault-tolerant quantum computing, hundreds or even thousands of qubits must be controlled in tight synchrony and with errors corrected. Leveraging their experience in building scalable, massive MIMO communication systems, Lin Zhongs Lab design and experiment with scalable control systems for fully error-corrected, fault-tolerant quantum computers, in collaboration with quantum scientists.

At Yale, experts across areas including computer science, applied physics, electrical engineering, chemistry, physics, statistics & data science, and mathematics work together to advance the frontier of quantum computing and information processing. Quantum at Yale is a showcase of the vibrant research activities here at Yale.

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Quantum Computing | Computer Science - Yale University

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