Tew: NSA site troubling for personal freedom – Daily Herald

Fridays, when driving home from the airport, I sometimes drive by the seven NSA concrete fortress abominations in Draper, Utah.

Are the employees inside utilizing supercomputers to vacuum up billions of e-mails, social media posts and phone calls from American heroes or deplorable violators of our rights? Without oaths and warrants based on probable cause that a crime has been committed to justify their vacuuming of our private information dont they continuously and daily violate the 4th Amendment prohibitions against such a vast collection of private data from Americans?

Are we all comfortable with their vast fishing expedition seeking information that could be used against any one of us by a federal government that has long ago escaped its Constitutional cage?

The collected data, stored in the 702 database (Section 702, 2008 Amendment Act of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) awaits the mining and use of bureaucrats who make up their own rules, doesnt it?

Your political observations, financial information, or complaints about politicians made in your e-mail, phone call, or on social media are there awaiting some future use you cant predict arent they?

Bliss W. Tew, Orem

Originally posted here:

Tew: NSA site troubling for personal freedom - Daily Herald

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