NSA leak: Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers explain our new ‘reality’ – USA TODAY

If the Reality Winner story sounds like a James Bond movie, Stephen Colbert says that makes Donald Trump "Smallfinger."(Photo: Richard Boeth/CBS)

TV's late night hosts spent the beginning of Tuesday night's show explaining the latest development in the Russian election-meddling scandal for viewers after a contractor from the NSAwas arrested for leaking a top-secret document.

"Daysbefore (the election)?" an incredulousColbert said of the hackers' timing. "Come on,Guccifer.That's just poor planning. You can't leave your hacking to the last minute! Put some thought into it. Nobody wants an election you picked up at Walgreens!"

That said, the CBS host is worried aboutthe Russian hackers' attempts to trick local government employees into opening documents that were infected with malware: "This is how democracy ends: With a fake email sent to the ancient cat lady manning the polling station at your high school gym."

He then got into the arrest of NSA contractor Reality Winner ("It's official: The Trump administration is at war with reality").

"So a young female spy named Reality Winner steals intelligence from the Pluribus Corporation?That sounds like a James Bond movie, which of course makes Trump "Smallfinger!" he sang in his best Shirley Bassey voice.

"This is a confusing story so let me try to break it down," Meyers saidas the show's technical director rapidly switched out photos of the players involved. "Reality Winner leaked information about a reality denier (Putin) who tried to influence the election to support a reality host (Trump) who is detached from reality. So now the (Reality) Winner is the loser and this loser (Putin) who helped this loser (Trump) win is the winner and that's our reality."

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NSA leak: Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers explain our new 'reality' - USA TODAY

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