CNY to become hub for film work

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Move over Hollywood. You'll soon be seeing more lights, cameras and action in Onondaga County. Central New York Emerging Nano-Industries hub was announced during Joanie Mahoney's State of the County address. Governor Cuomo attended as a special guest to make the announcement. Our Iris St. Meran tells us more about the impact and how this was all a welcomed surprised to those involved in film locally.

ONONDAGA COUNTY, N.Y. -- Governor Andrew Cuomo said, "Who would have ever figured, Hollywood comes to Onondaga."

Onondaga County that is. It will soon be the new Central New York Hub for Emerging Nano Industries. It's a public and private partnership led by the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering

College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering Senior Vice President Alain E. Kaloyeros said, "A hub that begins with the film industry: Innovation, production, post production and distribution company."

It would be located at Collamer Crossings Business Park in DeWitt on vacant industrial land. Kaloyeros says New York will invest $15-million for phase one of construction: more than 100,000 square feet. The first anchor tenant is The Film House. The Film House looked at other parts of the country and the world but said this location was ideal.

The Film House Producer Ryan Johnson explained, "With New York's open for business, the tax situation, it's like 35%, plus no taxes, plus cost savings. Your savings on a budget of a movie could be 40-60% just off the top for being here."

And over seven years it's projected to bring $150-million and 350 jobs to the region. The opportunities are exciting for those involved in film locally.

"It's going to mean jobs. It's going to mean unions from Down State are going to have to train people to come up here to be crew members who will live here, send their kids to school and shop in our area. We'll have a whole new class of creative people," Syracuse International Film Festival Artistic Director Owen Shapiro.

And you can expect to see some of The Film House's work this year. Johnson says they plan to release three feature films this summer and eventually have on average 5 to 10 a year.

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CNY to become hub for film work

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