Bitcoin over $19,000! Ethereum and Litecoin record fresh 2020 highs – ForexLive

Ethereum and Litecoinprices peaked at new highs as public interest in cryptocurrenciescontinues to soar. These digital coinsjoined Bitcoin's surge towards $19,000 in the recent strong trends.

Ethereum hit $623 thisweek. It's up by a massive 384% since the beginning of the year. The uptrend isimpressive, but it's still far from the all-time high of $1500 in January 2018.Ethereum is the world's second-largest cryptocurrency next to Bitcoin. Litecoinalso doubled in value this month alone and peaked today at $90, a fresh 2020high with a 117% YTD gain.

According to analysts,the crypto surges are due mainly to the strengthening status of Bitcoin as aninflation hedge. Bitcoin, the known king of crypto, is up by 160% this year todate. It's trading at $19,285 as of writing and is a thread line away from theall-time high of $19,667 last 2017.

Bitcoin nears all-time high at $19,667, PrimeBit WebTrader

Ethereum holds anapproximate $68 billion in market cap, while Litecoin represents $5.8 billion.Bitcoin's market cap reached $354 billion this week!

According to MichaelSonnenshein, Managing Director at Grayscale Investments and a Bitcoinspecialist, the crypto asset is a major key to the evolution of money."Investors like the fact they can buy a fraction of the coin and add to theirposition over time," he added.

Popular cryptoderivative platforms likePrimeBitmakes it possible for traders to profit from the surging prices of the topcryptocurrencies - Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin -even without owning them.

Crypto contracts allowtraders and investors to profit both from rising and falling crypto prices, andwith leverage, you won't need a huge sum of money to start trading.

Ethereum surges with 384% YTD gain, PrimeBitWebTrader

Bernard Meyer, Senior Researcher, says the pandemic has played a part in theincreased interest in cryptocurrencies. As quarantines are still in place in manyparts of the world, people spend more time online and become aware ofcryptocurrencies.

Want to profit from thesurging prices of Bitcoin and altcoins? Trade crypto contracts at PrimeBit. Itoffers 1:200 leverage - the highest leverage level out there. With leveragedtrading, you can even invest as little as $10 and start trading cryptocontracts on your phone anytime. Try it now and get a limited-time $60bonus when you make a deposit. Don't miss it!

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Bitcoin over $19,000! Ethereum and Litecoin record fresh 2020 highs - ForexLive

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