UIS Perspectives: Working together for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – The State Journal-Register

When it was written in 1776 " that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," it was surely the most amazingly written expression in the Declaration of Independence. Sadly, our countrys practice of that document, the Constitution, and the Amendments to follow did not necessarily reflect that message.

Over the past 244 years, we have witnessed these words being selectively applied to uniquely advantage one group over another, as much of our history has its connection to the creation and implementation of slavery. In short, slavery in America has been a system in which property law principles are applied to people, allowing individuals to own, buy, and sell other individuals as a form of property. Over the lifespan of Americas development, we have seen this system morph due to many brave, courageous, and servant leaders who fought against the intense overt oppression and subversive suppression. Decade after decade, these Davids of our time took on the Goliath of our nation racism.

Let me state clearly, I do not write this column to offend but, instead, to bridge gaps in understanding how we arrived at the need for healing today. I write it for the person who may think, as they see the violent acts of racism that are engrained in many of our institutions and systems, "why this is still happening" or believing "it does not exist anymore."

Whichever way one decides to interpret history (or this essay), it should be understood that America has always had to fight and protest for its rights to be reflected as through the doctrine. This has been the narrative for almost two and a half centuries. Therefore, when I see the protest, I do not see it as an offensive act or demonstration against Americas fabric. Instead, I see the protest as yet another outcry to the nation that many communities are tired of being broken and left out of the doctrine.

America's issues are vast and people want to see change, particularly our traditionally marginalized and underrepresented communities. I, myself, subscribe to that notion. As a Black male working at an institution of higher education, I have witnessed my students expressively say they feel they live in an America that does not love them.

Those words scream out to me a much louder message. To me, they place attention on what our Americas history has been and why we all need to stand up for the rights of those who are continuously scraped, cut, and gashed left to bleed. I firmly believe, in order to begin healing, we have to stop the bleeding. With that as the chorus in mind, we need to seek to apply the doctrine the way it was so eloquently written so that we can see reflected an America that pulls people from the margins into the larger picture thus allowing for real opportunity at Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

At UIS, we have decided to not turn a blind eye and to recommit ourselves to the alignment of the doctrine. The recent national events of racial injustice have reawakened the world and have been front and center for us. We are ensuring our students, staff, faculty, and administrators (myself included) are not ignoring the long history, practice, and ideology of systemic racism. Standing firm with the Black community and other marginalized groups who are deeply entrenched in the fight towards justice is our fight.

The plight is vast, but we are having the difficult conversation at UIS in the form of weekly virtual "Vibe-Check" sessions and "Breathe" listening tables that give students a chance to share their concerns. It has been a great way to begin the healing opening the hearts and minds of our campus community. Listening with vigor and empathy has allowed for our campus to be one that centers the experiences of those on the margins understanding that what matters most is finding out where the pain lies. This method has been vital to knowing what is needed to make the substantive change necessary for our UIS community and the greater Springfield community.

Listening to our campus community's experiences has prompted the launch of our comprehensive "How Do We Heal Pathway Forward" resource guide, which can be found at uis.edu/diversitycenter/. The guide is designed to be interactive/clickable/digestible for people to learn. It has video features, web links to learn how to be anti-racist, and web links to enhance civic involvement. But equally as important, it has the framework for our "Where We Can Go" Diversity Mini-Series. The July Diversity Mini-Series is now entering its third week with programs addressing the current civil unrest on issues of Race, Police Brutality, and Allyship.

We believe that exploring these topics and helping our students, staff, faculty, and administrators through our weekly discussion opportunities is helping us move forward together. We believe it is a part of the formula to help shape a community rooted in equity, justice, and inclusion you know, like the declaration that was so eloquently indoctrinated for our nation to follow.

Justin J. Rose is Director of Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Illinois Springfield.

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UIS Perspectives: Working together for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - The State Journal-Register

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