Trinity River in Liberty still on the rise; see aerial photos – Bluebonnet News

The Trinity River in Liberty County is still on the rise and is projected to crest at an elevation of 30.7 on Friday, May 3. The river forecasts provided by the National Weather Service, which pinpoints the time of the crest at around 4 p.m. Friday takes into account past precipation and expected rainfall 24 hours into the future.

The river will crest at nearly five feet above the flood stage of 26 feet. With additional rainfall expected on Thursday and Friday, Bill Hergemueller, coordinator of the Liberty County Office of Emergency Management, said conditions could worse and he is urging residents to remain vigilant.

Stay alert and watch for flooded roads, Hergemueller advised, as concerns grow over the impact of the impending weather conditions.

In anticipation of the storm system that swept through Southeast Texas on Sunday, resulting in widespread rainfall, Hergemueller had already begun advising residents in flood-prone neighborhoods in Liberty County to prepare and, if possible, evacuate.

Despite the imminent threat, many residents in these communities, accustomed to dealing with the challenges posed by previous floods, are choosing to remain behind to protect their properties.

Dont wait until nightfall to ask for help. We wont be putting first responders in boats at night to do a rescue. Use good judgment when you are securing your home. If you have a medical emergency, call 911. We have game wardens and others on standby, but we dont intend to go out at night because of the increased risk to our first responders, Hergemueller said.

Here are the top 10 historic crests for the Trinity River at the Liberty Bridge:

On Tuesday, Hergemueller and others involved in emergency services took to the skies to get a better picture of the extent of flooding. He, along with Hardin Fire Chief Nic Nelson, provided the following aerial photos.

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Trinity River in Liberty still on the rise; see aerial photos - Bluebonnet News

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