In defense of our liberty – Black Hills Pioneer

On this upcoming Independence Day, we celebrate our rights of liberty and democracy. As Americans we do not take kindly to the government or anyone else trying to manipulate or control our movements, choices, or thoughts.

On that particular note, I feel compelled to speak out against what is happening to our liberty through the manipulation of the national press by those in our federal government.

In mid-June, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer began restricting members of the national press from using video cameras and from live broadcasting (audio or video) at White House news briefings.

What is the reasoning or justification for this restriction? Is this a way to try to control and shape what is being reported by a free and independent press?

This comes at a time when only hand-picked reporters are called on at the news briefings and our president chooses to use Twitter to communicate rather than taking questions directly from reporters.

Does the American public understand how dangerous this precedent is to our free flow of information and holding governmental officials accountable? Do you even care?

Today its cameras; tomorrow its audio recorders; next its pen and paper? No matter which political party you side with, I hope you understand this is a threat to OUR democracy.

As professional journalists, accessibility to ask questions of elected officials is crucial in the function of our duties to inform and watchdog for the citizens of our republic. Governmental transparency in the workings of elected officials is also paramount to our job.

So what can you do as a citizen?


Demand that your local governmental officials stay transparent. This means proper advance notification be given to the public for any meetings, and that they continue to be required to publish legal notices of all proceedings in the local hard copy newspaper.

The official record of proceedings should not be kept online on some obscure governmental website, susceptible to hacking or changes. You have a right to know what they have done as reported by an independent third-party newspaper that is accountable for every word we produce.

This may sound self-serving, but its true: Stay informed, buy a subscription to your local newspaper, and read it. Thats how local journalism gets financed and thats how you have the power of solid factual information that impacts you.

Watch local news on TV and listen to local news on the radio you should always have several sources to make sure youre getting the whole story.


Tell your state legislators that open government is important to you. Contact them to show your support for open government legislation anytime the chance arises.

Executive sessions and meetings, which shut out the public and the media, should be the rare exception.


On a national level, send your congressional delegation an email or letter. In the subject line, make sure it says Voter from (your district). Explain to them why you think restricting media access is bad practice, bad government, and bad for our democracy.

The media is here for YOU, but we cannot fight this fight alone. Government officials need to know you are watching and that you are counting on professional journalists to report information in a fair and accurate manner and they can not do that if they are unnecessarily restricted by the White House or any other governmental body.

This is a country still governed by the people for the people, and none of us can afford to have apathy towards what is happening. Its time for all of us to take a stance in the defense of liberty and democracy.

This quote by the American writer Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850-1919) sums it up well for me: To sin by silence, when we should protest, makes cowards out of men.

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In defense of our liberty - Black Hills Pioneer

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