Letters March, 26: No one is more important than the other – Edmonton Sun

Do you have something to say? Send us a letter by clicking here!THINKING OF YOU

As a senior, I am writing to encourage our seniors to know that they are loved and not forgotten. Not being able to get out or see family and friends is very hard. Every day we need to be thankful for so many blessings. We have time, so lets pray for each other, our first responders, service people, government, doctors, nurses, care workers, cashiers, grocers, truckers, pastors, news people and so many more doing so much to look after all of us. Lets be the encouragers for the younger people to let them know its okay, we will get through this if we all do our part. To everyone else out there, lets not only wash our hands but let us wash our hearts to think of others instead of complaining. No one is more important than the other. Lets all pray for comfort, peace and healing and realize we are so blessed to be living in such a great country as Canada.


(Thanks for sharing the positivity.)

Thank you Andrew Scheer for refusing to give the Trudeau government emergency taxing and spending authority which would have amounted to taxation without representation, an affront to our very democracy. Shame on Trudeau for incorporating this into the $82 billion COVID-19 relief Bill, as well as the Bloc Party that was ready to agree. I cannot imagine anything scarier than giving Trudeau/Morneau the ability for uncontrolled taxation and fettered discretion to spend. Canada is already buried under a mountain of debt a Direct result of Trudeaus reckless spending? How we ever dig out of the huge fiscal mess after COVID-19 is a big question on Canadian minds, without any answers.

Larry Comeau

(Thankfully, the process worked, and the opposition was able to hold the governments feet to the fire.)

With his failed attempt to subvert our democracy and legislate dictatorial powers for himself, Trudeau has only continued his legacy of failure on every issue. He is the classic weak leader, frozen by indecision and indifference, then finally over reacting. Will this weakness of Justin Trudeau now plunge our nation into years of anarchy, oppression and poverty?

Iain G. Foulds

(It certainly was a stumble.)

Re: Fourth horseman. I like your response to Al Willeys letter. Too bad we couldnt have that horseman committed before he does more damage.


(Only time will tell.)

Re: Notley reiterates call for UCP to ban evictions days before rent payments due. And, of course, Rachel Notley and her NDP have a far better plan than that of Premier (Jason) Kenney and the UCP provincial government. Just like all the great plans she had for the province during the NDP reign for four very long years.


(Shes trying to help Albertans during a time of great stress. Cant fault that.)

Sign of the times for the grocery stores: You touch it, you buy it! Please leave our precious young ones at home or youll go broke.


(We all need to stop that horrible habit.)

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Letters March, 26: No one is more important than the other - Edmonton Sun

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