Kemayah urges promotion and protection of human rights at International Seminar on Peace, Security and Terrorism in Africa – Global News Network

Amb. Kemayah and Kenya Foreign Affairs Minister

(New York, February 15, 2020) Liberias Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, His Excellency Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr. is encouraging United Nations Member States to strive for the promotion and protection of human rights as a way to counter the global threat of terrorism.

Ambassador Kemayah stressed that upholding human dignity, respecting the values and culture of people, as well as embracing diversity and fostering inclusion is critical for the existence of social peace and addressing the factors that prompt and drive terrorism and extremism.

Ambassador Kemayah named exclusion from the socio-economic, religious and political system; unemployment and the lack of opportunities for growth; injustice, corruption and oppression of certain groups; and fragile state capacity and failing security; as few factors that prompt and drive acts of terrorism.

Ambassador Kemayah emphasized while he is of the personal view that the factors listed are not justification for acts of terror against humanity, it was important to adequately address them to mitigate terrorism and extremismacts that are advancing daily and creating safety concerns globally.

Ambassador Kemayah recalled that in 2018 alone, terrorist attacks claimed the lives of approximately Twenty-seven thousand (27, 000) individuals and noted that fears as a result of terrorism have quadrupled, with half of the worlds population expressing concern about being victimized by terrorism.

Addressing a Seminar on the Political Trends and Implications for Peace and Security in Africa and the Changing Face of Terrorism and Extremism: Practical Responses in Mombasa, Kenya, Ambassador Kemayah also stressed the need to strengthen democracies, and enhance regional and international cooperation as practical steps to address the growing threats of terrorism and extremism.

Said Ambassador Kemayah: The consideration and/or implementation of the following could be a number of ways to address the growing threats of terrorism and extremism: We must ensure the continuous strengthening of our democracies; vigilance should be stepped up so as to reduce the number and risks from terror acts; the formulation of legal framework for enhanced international cooperation that would limit or prevent the financing of terrorism; including, but not limited to curbing money laundering, should be relentlessly pursued; we should intensify regional cooperation; aimed at addressing cross-border crimes; especially illegal trafficking flows; elevating the relevant role women can play in trying to mitigate acts of terrorism and extremism; hence enhancing gender equality and empowering women would be key; terrorist groups exploit idle youth; therefore youth engagement and empowerment will surely mitigate the recruitment of youth by terrorist groups; the use of sports as a unifying tool should be enhanced; and finally, we should increase effectiveness of our collaboration and exchange of information in the fight against terrorism.

The Liberian Envoy further stressed that peace, security, and resilient democracies, significant pillars that contribute towards the sustainable development of any nation, can only be achieved within a society that promotes and practices vibrant democracy; such as the Republic of Liberia a democracy under the Leadership/Presidency of His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah that is ensuring that justice and equalities reign; a democracy that is espousing social-politico and economic development.

Sharing the Liberian experience, Ambassador Kemayah asserted that under the astute Leadership of His Excellency President Weah, Liberians are witnesses to how resilient democracy has proven capable of managing violence and protests in amicable and peaceful manners. With democracy like ours, under the ever potent leadership of His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, people are given the opportunity to discuss issues affecting them. Working together as Liberians, we are able to settle our political and social differences; and our democracy avails the stage for the Government to cater to its citizens; a responsibility that thankfully the Government of His Excellency President Weah continues to be fully committed to upholding and delivering on. Ambassador Kemayah emphasized.

Ambassador Kemayah then reaffirmed on behalf of His Excellency President Weah and the Government and People of Liberia, Liberias unwavering commitment and support towards the fight of the United Nations and International Community against Global Terrorism and Extremism aimed at the sustenance of Global Peace and Security.

The Liberian Diplomat to the United Nations thanked the Government and People of Kenya for organizing and supporting the Seminar on the Political Trends and Implications for Peace and Security in Africa; and the Changing Face of Terrorism and Extremism: Practical Responses, stressing that it gave the subject of terrorism the relevance that it deserves. The seminar brought together several stakeholders in the peace and security sectors, including some United Nations Security Council members and other Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives to the United Nations.

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Kemayah urges promotion and protection of human rights at International Seminar on Peace, Security and Terrorism in Africa - Global News Network

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