Ring: One day it will end – The Augusta Chronicle

Its going to be over one day and Im not talking about the end of the world. This pandemic will have an end. When? Nobody seems to have a grip on that. We have become a people who expect an on/off switch for just about everything. The pandemic doesnt have a light switch. Its more like a dimmer.

Basically, it comes down to a feeling of being in control. With the new world of universal knowledge, the vast amount of information (real and fake) leaves an even greater feeling of being out of the drivers seat. The ability to gain knowledge at our fingertips is not working out well. We tend to forget that knowledge has to go through an interpretation lens. Knowledge is not so much the problem. The interpretations of it are.

Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden with Gods truth before them. That darn serpent showed up and gave a different interpretation of the knowledge they had. How did it go from there? Not too well at all.

I have said often I want to get to heaven and have the opportunity to beat the stuffing out of Adam and Eve. I stop and remember that the grace God gives me instead of beating me senseless is to be given to the first sinners. The gospel of hope through Jesus Christ really is amazing, isnt it? We all have to remember we would have done the same thing; dont kid yourself.

So how do we live in light of a relative world in the midst of a pandemic with vast opinions and information waiting impatiently for something to break so we can get back to normal? The great philosopher Francis Schaeffer wrote a book titled "How Shall We Then Live," speaking of living in the decline of conservative Western culture. Maybe it is time for someone to write a sequel.

A sequel is not necessary, actually. A refresher on biblical principles is necessary. Thats all Dr. Schaeffer did. He studied deeply the various aspects of culture and applied biblical truth. Honestly, that is what is needed in any of our life disruptions.

I was thinking about the winnowing down of biblical instruction and practice over the years. In Acts 2, we see the early church dedicating themselves to four principles on a daily basis. Did you catch that? Daily. Every day they gathered together to study the teachings of Jesus, pray, fellowship (that wasnt popcorn and a movie) and break bread (a meal or communion).

Now, fast-forward to today. We think attending church biweekly for the worship service is all we need, with a little 15-minute daily devotional. We dont have a biblically illiterate secular culture. We have a biblically illiterate Christian culture that has been seduced by bright lights, popular music and smiling people.

With the lack of deep biblical instruction, we have morphed into a Christian culture that is seldom united by the Holy Spirit (that was the biblical purpose), but instead places great value on individual interpretation of the minute details. Why? Just like in the pandemic, we value our own interpretation of the information more than that of experts. We have become the experts.

Meanwhile, there are three basic biblical principles that apply to our social distancing protocols. We are guided to decide on wearing a mask or not. We are guided on living in a world that fears great illness and death. We are given hope in what seems like a hopeless estate, especially if one is at risk.

The first principle is "love your neighbor as you would want to be loved." Jesus said this is close to loving Him. By the way, love is defined in the Bible. In John 3:16, the apostle says love is the "laying down of your life for the sake of another." So its not all kisses and ice cream. Its hard. Its sacrificial. Its outside of our opinion and desires. Our neighbor takes a position equal with us.

The second principle is found in Philippians 2 when the apostle Paul writes, "Each of you should not look after your own interests but also to the interests of others." Paul repeats the golden rule. Lets get moving together. "Its not all about me." Repeat again, "Its not all about me."

The third principle takes us to another level when Paul in Corinthians says we are to respond so we dont offend the weaker brother or sister. He upped the ante. He is repeating clear instruction from Jesus in Matthew 25 when we are to live a life that assists "the least of these." Believing in Jesus is not about power, but service. You will find that instruction from Jesus to James and John in Mark 10.

There are very few "but" or "maybe" clauses in the Bible. Jesus never said, "Serve that person unless they are an idiot." We find Jesus washing Judas feet even when he knew Judas would be a traitor before the night was out. There are no "jerk" clauses either. One will not find "wash each others feet unless they are a jerk." Quite the opposite.

Looking out for the weak and least of the human race was to mark the Christian more than the endless quest to moral excellence. We have clear instructions. At the end of the day, I dont like not shaking hands with others. I dont like not getting a warm hug of affirmation. I dont like stepping back instead of being close. I despise wearing a mask.

However, under the instruction of someone far greater than me and you, I will wear a mask, not shake hands and keep my distance. Ill do it with a smile and no grumbling. Thats in the Bible, too. One day it will end. Then we will have to figure out our response to whatever will be the new normal. I will lay odds the answers to that are in the Bible.

John Ring is minister of family counseling and community outreach at Grace Coastal Church in Okatie.


Ring: One day it will end - The Augusta Chronicle

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