Perverting the Golden Rule | Opinion | – Sunbury Daily Item

Although there is much to unite us, there are many ways to divide us. Republicans seem generally to see themselves as tough-minded realists who like to view progressives as snowflakes living in a fantasy world. Republicans are more cynical, progressives more optimistic; Republicans see personal responsibility as doing first for themselves and their families, while progressives are concerned with doing the least harm and acting for the general good.

Our loose-lipped commander-in-chief admittedly withheld aid authorized for the Ukraine conditioning its release on fulfillment of his request for a favor, in the form of an investigation to improve his chances of re-election. Even though the former, wronged Prosecutor General in Ukraine was doing nothing about corruption, and there was general, allied consensus that he needed to be replaced, Trump now smears Biden (throw mud and some will stick!). As president, he claims, he did nothing wrong, and that his now-infamous telephone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky was perfect, only about the corruption of others. However misguided, he seems to believe what he says and keeps on saying. How can that be?

Trump was born into privilege and inherited substantial wealth from his father. His father, in turn, was a landlord not immune from racial discrimination or bending the rules to maximize wealth. Against a very checkered history and multiple bankruptcies, Trump claims to be an astute business-man and deal-maker. Unfortunately, his wealth appears more to have accumulated from his being a conniving bully, not tethered to a historic sense of right and wrong, but rather to a value system based primarily on personal greed and satisfying personal desire. As a candidate, he invited the Russians to hack the Democrats, and his invitation was acted upon; as president, he thus can see no difference, and no wrong, in conditioning release of congressionally approved military aid upon performance of his personal bidding to get dirt, however removed from factual reality, on Joe Biden.

Unwanted physical contact with women? OK as long as you can get away with it; take action about gun violence in the U.S.? Give it lip service but do nothing as long as the stream of financial support from the NRA continues. Challenge the oil companies about the impending crisis of climate change and global warming? Not as long as the checks come in; while were at it, lets end the ability of formerly smoggy California to require higher fuel-efficiency standards, and open public lands to drilling. Do something about the spiraling deficit? Not if we can lower taxes for the wealthy, self included, and so on, and on, and on.

And so it goes, and Putin smiles, with Trump attacking the press, attacking adversaries, making nice with those loyal to him and those whose loyalty gives him personal advantage:A bastardized trickle down theory of that which enriches me eventually will be good for you, but if you cross me, youll have hell to pay.

A code of conduct based on what has become known as the Golden Rule is to do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Although not generally followed in the realm of politics, it has never been so perverted as it has been by our commander-in-chief. Rather, the arch-typical bully, he does unto others to get a personal leg up. Its high time that he be held to account.

Joe DeCristopher lives in Lewisburg and retired after 36 years in the Sunbury offices of Susquehanna, later, North Penn, Legal Services.

Continued here:

Perverting the Golden Rule | Opinion | - Sunbury Daily Item

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