Moving day – with unity and love | Opinions – The Capital Journal

Ephesians 4:2-3: With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Have you ever moved? Well then, always remember the first commandment of moving is that junk expands to all space provided. The second commandment is likewise; wifes stuff is more important than husbands stuff particularly craft items.

A friend indicated his willingness to help in the moving process. His exact email words were, I love dust, heavy boxes, lifting stuff thats been nailed to the floor for centuries, arguing with spouse, and trying to make it all fit into that uncompromisingly undersized moving truck. So, Ill be there in spirit. Gotta run, time for my afternoon nap.

Admittedly, the arguing with spouse part is most fun. My wife has now packed 9,347 huge boxes of craft stuff; mostly boxes of broken, dry-rotted thread, rusted bobbins, and pieces of faded material passed down by great-great granny, but believe me, its all essential.

On the other hand, I have a tiny, minuscule box taken from my humble bedside table, mostly containing nostalgic items of great value such as Richard Nixon campaign buttons, fingernail clippers, and a few spent ammo shell casings, yet she had the audacity to suggest I was taking up too much room in the truck.

With kindness, I mildly suggested she might consider discarding some of the unusable paraphernalia in exchange for an ounce or two of my pitiful belongings. I was met with the red-flaming eyes of Zuul from Ghostbusters, and the golden rule of moving you just dont want me to have anything, do you?

If I had my way Id roast all of this junk on the front lawn while dancing around the flames singing Johnny Cashs Ring of Fire, but for now Ill head to Menards and spend my retirement money on more boxes. And, being the dutiful husband that I am, Ill come home, soothe the ruffled feathers of a wife who felt guilted into tossing out a toothbrush that the dog-chewed up.

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Moving day - with unity and love | Opinions - The Capital Journal

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