Letters to the Editor: Improve traffic merge as part of West Ashley project – Charleston Post Courier

Improve traffic merge

Lets make sure the redevelopment of the dead Pig in West Ashley does not lead to any deaths or injuries at the merge of Old Towne Road and Sam Rittenberg Boulevard.

The city and traffic engineers who work for us did a heroic job of soliciting and vetting multiple plans for improving the suicide merge at the intersection.

Those plans were ultimately nixed by the community. It was never clear to me what the vote was to stop the planning.

Now, its time for Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg and City Council to intervene on behalf of the safety of citizens.

The site is going to undergo major changes that will affect road safety planning.

The mayor and council must use the authority given to them by the citizens of Charleston and do what is best for West Ashley citizens.


South Hampton Drive


To paraphrase President Ronald Reagan, Here we go again.

So Boeing, which hid, obfuscated and lied about its problems with the 737 Max airliners that killed hundreds of people, is now being bailed out by the Federal Reserve Board and the federal government.

Once again people are crying Too big to fail and pumping out billions of taxpayer dollars and piling up record levels of debt to keep flailing companies alive.

Meanwhile, dare I ask, what restrictions are being put on corporate salaries and bonuses?

Or are we going to have the same situation we had during the Great Recession of 2007-09 when the banks and lending institutions that caused the crisis got off scot-free?

And where are the true conservatives who believe in free markets and limited government in economic affairs?

Where? Theyve run to the hills dropping all of their so-called principles by the wayside.


Oconee Loop

Mount Pleasant

A letter in the July 5 Post and Courier asked, Who is Jaime Harrison?

I didnt know much about the Democrat challenging U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham until I attended one of the many town hall meetings he is holding with interested voters.

Participants can learn about Harrisons upbringing, family life, education, previous political and private-sector experience, his wisdom in the ways our government runs, or should run, and his understanding of what leadership entails.

I and many others came away impressed with Harrisons integrity, concern for the needs of constituents, his desire to heal the divisions in our nation and his ability to think independently.

I encourage the letter writer to become an actively informed voter.

Have a look at Harrisons website. It contains a lot of relevant information and outlines what his priorities as senator would be.

Call the campaign office to find out when his virtual appearances are scheduled and sign up to participate in one.

For those who really want to know about Jaime Harrison, information is available to those willing to take responsibility for informing themselves rather than expecting a busy Senate candidate to drop by when he is in town.


West Shipyard Road

Mount Pleasant

I was brought up to be considerate of others and I would like to think I still am, but it is becoming more difficult to love my neighbor these days.

Whatever happened to the Golden Rule? Why are so many of our neighbors inconsiderate, insensitive, ignorant and indifferent to others?

When did we turn the corner and cross the line on being good neighbors?

How did we get to a point of caring only for ourselves, doing whatever we want to do when we want and how we want to do it without any sense of responsibility for our actions?

Last week, we celebrated the Fourth of July and the Declaration of Independence, or at least thats what the national holiday is supposed to be about.

How ironic that the primary drafter of this important document was Thomas Jefferson, whose statues are being torn down along with other important figures in American history.

Where is the logic in that?

We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men (and all women of all color, all race and all religion) are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men (and women) deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Lets not forget who we are and how we got here.


Ashley Garden Boulevard


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Letters to the Editor: Improve traffic merge as part of West Ashley project - Charleston Post Courier

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