Letter to the Editor: Remember the Golden Rules – Tulsa World

As a health care professional I review the epidemiology of COVID-19 on a daily basis.

It is now obvious that the rate of new infections is spiraling out of control in our area, threatening to overload the capacity of our hospitals to treat the patients who become critically ill from the virus.

I relish my freedom and personal liberties as do all Americans, that being said all current scientific studies support the fact that the wearing of masks in public dramatically reduces the rate of new COVID-19 infections in as little as four to six weeks.

By slowing the rate of new cases, we buy more time for new avenues of treatment for those infected and moving closer to an eventual vaccine. I realize there are individuals who cannot wear masks for various reasons, but for the vast majority masks are a viable option.

As it pertains to the pandemic, it is time for all Americans to put our political ideologies aside, stop the finger pointing and stop dwelling in hindsight as to what should have been done.

Our best hope is to move forward as one nation against our common enemy, COVID-19. Growing up my parents provided me with a road map for life that can serve us well during this pandemic.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, the Golden Rule.

Wearing a mask in public is a show of compassion, not a sign of weakness.

See the rest here:

Letter to the Editor: Remember the Golden Rules - Tulsa World

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