Letter to the Editor – Gardnernews.com

I just dont understand why so many people will not use a mask and social distance during this time in our country.The scientific information has proven that wearing a mask and social distancing helps to prevent the spread of the virus. I see people ignore the request of a business to wear a mask when you enter that business. I had a person tell me last Sunday, he felt healthy and didnt need to wear one.I understand a person can be asymptomatic and not know it. If I have that condition, I do not want to infect anyone So I will wear a mask. I understand that a mask wont necessarily keep me getting the virus, but it will for sure help me keep me from spreading it.I dont want to give it to someone and I for sure dont want to get it from someone. Does that sound like the Golden Rule? If we as a nation would live by that, in my mind, we would be a lot better off.There was a time automobiles didnt have seat belts, but as time went by it was found out a seat belt could save a life, it became a nationwide law.I hope we control this virus with social distancing, wearing a mask, and possibly a vaccine before any sort of law comes into being. Because, there is not vaccine for ignorance.From Dick Gall, Edgerton, KS

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Letter to the Editor - Gardnernews.com

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